Ana María Morales Pérez
Belen Gallego
01 September 2019
31 August 2022
CyberSANE is an EU-funded project aiming to develop an innovative and novel system to protect Critical Information Infrastructures (CIIs) against cybercriminals and tackle current threats that could affect the operations of infrastructures related to healthcare, energy, and transportation.
Due to the amount of information and data used, gathered and shared, these industries rely on robust and reliable ICT components and infrastructures integrating multiple novel technologies for operation optimisation, which make them vulnerable to attacks coming from hackers and cybercriminals.
Over the last few years, it is a common phenomenon to see daily headlines describing major cyber-attacks or some new strain of malware or insidious social engineering technique being used to attack ICT infrastructures. In particular, CIIs have become lately targets for cyberattacks attracting the attention of security researchers, cyber-criminals, hacktivists (e.g. Anonymous, LulzSec) and other such role-players (e.g. cyber-spies). These cyber actors have significantly evolved their tactics, techniques, and procedures to include next-generation malware toolkits available on various locations on the internet (e.g. deep web, dark web) and new data exfiltration methods that give them an asymmetric quantum leap in capability.
In the past years, there have been a number of cybersecurity meltdowns and high-profile breaches affecting critical infrastructures, and in most cases, they targeted the organizations’ interconnected infrastructures as a means of targeting the broadest audience for their malware as possible. Obviously, the impact of a compromised CII can extend far beyond the corporate boundaries, putting not just individual organizations but also their dependent entities at risk.
CyberSANE proposes a state of the art solution that:
CyberSANE components are:
CyberSANE system have been validated in 3 pilots in the transportation, energy and healthcare domains.
CyberSANE Project of the Week 19-23 October 2020
Cyberwatching.eu has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 740129. The content of this website does not represent the opinion of the European Commission, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that might be made of such content. Privacy Policy | Disclaimer / Terms and Conditions of Use