The European Union and the EU Member States are building the necessary cybersecurity culture and capabilities to resist and counteract the very real and ever-changing cyber threats and cyber-attacks. In the duration of the cyberwatching.eu project, the regulatory landscape has evolved through a number of regulatory tools, including regulations, directives and manifold opinions, guidance, and tools aiming to guarantee a higher level of data protection to European citizens and an increased legal certainty. cyberwatching.eu has delivered two roadmaps (2019 and 2021) which charter a course for European Cybersecurity and Privacy policy. The documents gather together visions and priorities of the many different stakeholders in the landscape.
"The roadmap is an essential read. It builds upon the significant number of already existing roadmap efforts and modules, domains, categories, taxonomies and concepts. This is an important effort to understand the commonalities and the differences in approach not only in Europe but also beyond.” Mark Miller, CEO of CONCEPTIVITY and cyberwatching.eu partner
On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.
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