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SMEs reports

cyberwatching.eu has collaborated with the SME community and various SME Associations around Europe. The Marketplace and its transition to become ECSO's SME Hub is evidence of how the project has a provided a tangible output that will be sustained by ECSO as an essential part of their outreach activities to European SMEs. Similarly, the SME end-user club provides evidence of uptake of EU innovation.  Following continuous SME needs assessment and user experience feedback, these two outputs have closely merged into a unified cyberwatching.eu service offer to SMEs, offering multiple SME tools and services ‘under one roof’.

SMEs have a vital role to play in the development of Europe’s cybersecurity capacities and digital sovereignty. SMEs make up the backbone of the European economy, accounting for 99% of businesses in Europe. A clear need for reliable and trusted self-assessment resources for SMEs to understand the GDPR and their cybersecurity posture was identified early in the project and then addressed successfully” Sebastiano Toffaletti, Secretary-General, European DIGITAL SME Alliance and cyberwatching.eu partner

D5.3 Early validation & end-users club final report

SME end-user club and the Marketplace have been initially defined as key assets of cyberwatching.eu. Both of them aimed to provide services to the end-users of the project, namely European small and medium enterprises (SMEs). However, during the evolution of the project, following the continuous SME needs assessment and user experience feedback, the two concepts have closely merged into a unified cyberwatching.eu service offer to SMEs, offering multiple SME tools and services ‘under one roof’.

D4.8 EU CS&P cluster engagement final report

Clusters are groups of specialized companies, many SMEs, and other related actors, such as Universities and public administrations that cooperate closely together in a particular sector and geographical location. In D4.2 the first of three EU Cybersecurity and privacy cluster engagement reports1 published in July 2018 (M27), cyberwatching.eu reported on how it has identified and interacted with clusters actively working in Cybersecurity and Privacy (CS&P) across Europe and a catalogue of these clusters published on the cyberwatching.eu website2.

D4.6 EU Cybersecurity and Privacy cluster engagement report. 3rd Report

This document provides an overview of the Cybersecurity and Privacy clusters in Europe and an engagement plan to involve them in the activities organised by the Cyberwatching.eu project. The document details the process and methodology to keep a constant channel of collaboration. The report also describes the actions implemented so far and others that have been foreseen to reinforce the collaboration with clusters as intermediate actors that can provide access to numerous SMEs.

D4.5 EU Cybersecurity and Privacy cluster engagement report 2nd Report

Clusters are groups of specialized companies, many SMEs, and other related actors, such as Universities and public administrations, that cooperate closely together in a particular sector and geographical location. In D4.2 cyberwatching.eu reported on how it has identified and interacted with clusters actively working in Cybersecurity and Privacy (CS&P) across Europe and a catalogue of these clusters published on the cyberwatching.eu website.

D5.2 Early validation & end-users’ club feedback report

SME end-user club and the Marketplace are among the key assets of cyberwatching.eu. Both of them aim at providing services to the end-users of the project, namely European small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Therefore, it is important to ensure that these services match the needs and requirements of the end-user, and have a high potential of the uptake.

D4.2 EU Cybersecurity and Privacy cluster engagement report. 1st Report

This document provides an overview of the Cybersecurity and Privacy clusters in Europe and an engagement plan  to involve them in the activities organized by the Cyberwatching.eu project. The document details the process and methodology to keep a constant channel of collaboration. The report also describes the actions implemented so far and others that have been foreseen to reinforce the collaboration with clusters as intermediate actors that can provide access to numerous SMEs


On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.

Future Events

NERO Cybersecurity invites you to join its first webinar entitled "Empowering SMEs: Cybersecurity Strategies for a Secure Digital Future," on 3 July 2024 from 15:00-16:30 CEST.
