Clusters are groups of specialized companies, many SMEs, and other related actors, such as Universities and public administrations, that cooperate closely together in a particular sector and geographical location. In D4.2 cyberwatching.eu reported on how it has identified and interacted with clusters actively working in Cybersecurity and Privacy (CS&P) across Europe and a catalogue of these clusters published on the cyberwatching.eu website.
The next step, which is reported in this deliverable, is to consolidate the relationship and aggregate a few more clusters to extend the area of influence of cyberwatching.eu. However, involving relevant and collaborative clusters is not an easy task, and it requires perseverance and adapt the strategy to the potential success of the actions carried out, and the new variables discovered in the process. Another big issue is to monitor closely ongoing and new initiatives that may modify the way Cyberwatching.eu interact with clusters, like clusters changing or growing (i.e. Info Security Ireland becoming cyberireland) or the future actions of the European Cybersecurity Competence Center and Network. The project would like to avoid duplicating efforts on tasks that are already being developed by others. With 56 relevant CS&P clusters identified across Europe, cyberwatching.eu identified a targeted group of clusters to ignite real interaction.
Three clusters in particular, are already engaged and very committed to interacting with cyberwatching.eu and we will continue to strengthen ties with them. Webinars are one of the most successful activities carried out, and the power that they have to reach potential attendants among their members has to be taken advantage of, by reinforcing this activity. For the coming months, efforts must focus in going on with the activities defined in D4.2 first report, and starting new joint actions with clusters.
These new actions will be oriented to face the main challenges for CS&P clusters and their members, beginning with the three major challenges identified in the previous report (Excellence, Internationalization and Emerging Industries) and continuing with the new challenges that will be identified during the project through the contact with the clusters. Collaborative work should lead to the confluence of research and industry objectives, to make this tandem a differential value that allows European companies to compete in any market
On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.
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