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Engaged Clusters

Cyberwatching.eu aims to impact positively on the clusters and their members by promoting project assets such as the GDPR temperature tool, providing networking opportunities with the R&I community, and raising awareness of emerging technologies and opportunities for businesses, and best practices during the COVID-19 pandemic. A key channel for this support is the provision of joint webinars which is being carried out. The European Commission understands their importance and provides tools and organizes initiatives, actions and events for clusters and their members to create more world-class clusters across the EU.

Becoming a member of ​Cyberwatching.eu provides you the possibility to: 

  • Take part in our webinar series; 
  • Co-design joint webinars on topics of interest to your members; 
  • Presentation slots available for members at webinars;
  • Join our Marketplace of new services to help improve their cybersecurity offering.

Cyberwatching.eu is well aware of the importance of clusters for the Cybersecurity and Privacy sectors and through a series of coordinated actions, to date, established synergies with 8 European Clusters. 

Clusters are groups of specialized companies that cooperate closely together in a particular sector and geographical location. In working together its members can be more innovative, create more jobs and generate more knowledge than they would alone.

Clusters vary greatly from one industry or sector to another, but the philosophy is more or less the same, improving the competitiveness of their members. A great percentage of European jobs are based in the regional strongholds of clusters, which together with the great participation of SMEs, leads to more innovation and growth. In the Cybersecurity and Privacy sector there are very different clusters and with very different performance, as well.


ClujIT, Romania, 82 members


About: ClujIT with the ultimate goal to become a key supplier from Central and Eastern Europe and promotion of the Romanian IT market, aims to become competitive on national and international markets, by providing innovative IT services, products and organizational support systems. ClujIT supports lasting public-private partnerships for the mutual benefit of the cluster’s members and of the society is active towards the creation of a partnership culture based on trust and dependability. The promotion of innovation in processes, design of products and services to increase competitiveness on an international level, reflect the vision of its working groups and interests: DataIntelligence, Learning and Development of SmartCity, Marketing and internationalization.

Synergies with Cyberwatching.eu - Presentation at a number of events including:

GAIA - Association of Knowledge and Applied Technologies industries in the Basque Country, 255 members Spain

Website: www.gaia.es

About: GAIA aims to become a benchmarking for collaborative innovation for the creation and implementation of globally competitive solutions based on their own Knowledge and Technology. The creation of alliances on knowledge and technology at the international level reflects the vision of its working groups and interests: Consulting, Engineering, Electronics, Computing, Telecommunications and Gamification

Synergies with Cyberwatching.eu- Speaker at:

CyberWales, +2000 members, United Kingdom

Website: cyberwales.net 


About: Cyber Wales is a representative body with the aim of being the Heart and the Voice of the cyber Communities in Wales. Being a network of 9cyber-related clusters it helps companies to grow by communicating initiatives & trade opportunities,  providing a networking platform to share ideas & best practice, encouraging collaboration and identifying partnership opportunities. With a mission to help businesses more resilient to cyber-attacks by building cybersecurity knowledge and skills. 

Main interests and working groups focus on: Women in Cyber, Capture the Flag, Critical National Infrastructure, Data Privacy, South Wales Cluster,  North Wales Cluster and  IP Wales Cluster, 

Synergies with Cyberwatching.eu - Speaker at:

      AEI Ciberseguridad, 71 members, Spain  

      Website: www.aeiciberseguridad.es/ 


      About: AEI Ciberseguridad aims to provide an operational structure to all companies interested in the promotion and development of a Business Technological Pole linked to INCIBE’s mandate. With its 71 members, their main interest relies on International Cybersecurity Seal.

      Synergies with Cyberwatching.eu: 

      • AEI is a partner in the cyberwatching.eu project leading the engagement with other SME clusters and the analysis of market and technology readiness levels of R&I projects.
      The Hague Security Delta (HSD), 299 members, the Netherlands

      Website: www.thehaguesecuritydelta.com/ 

      About: The Hague Security Delta,aim to form partnerships and create knowledge bridges with the main global security clusters in the USA, Canada, Singapore and South Africa. Besides, it has strong ties to the main European security regions and Brussels, making the Netherlands the secure gateway to Europe. HSD took the initiative in 2016 to collaborate with other 5 relevant security cluster in Europe (France: SAFE Cluster, Denmark: CenSec, Finland: Safety and Security Cluster, Germany: KIT, Germany: Security Cluster), so we considered them a relevant cluster to collaborate with. Their working groups and main interests rely on: cybersecurity awareness,  Dataforensics; Data Diode: Data traffic that can only go one way, Critical Infrastructures, Talent and training, Artificial intelligence (their research institutions were focused on what to do in AI from the stakeholder view) 

      Synergies with Cyberwatching.eu:

      • In November 2019, we had a virtual meeting with Bert Feskens,from HSD, and they were keen to collaborate with us, especially interested in SMEs, because their two main goals, as a cluster, are developing cybersecurity solutions and increasing economic development;
      • In December 2019, we had a virtual meeting with Herman Hartgers, from SME Connect (helpdesk of HSD). Interested in fraud and cybercrime and Digital SME, presented the Twenty2x event and the opportunities that it brings to SMEs; HSD promoted GDPR Temperature Tool, and other useful Cyberwatching.eu resources for SMEs (like SMEs guides).
        Bavarian IT Security & Safety Cluster, 134 members Germany



        About: ITSECURITY aims to initiate and promote collaborations, particularly between the scientific and economic community to further the development of IT security research and training, while providing information about security risks and their technical and organisational solutions. Also, they want to present the Cluster’s member security expertise and launch and mentor company start-ups. Main interests and working groups?: ITSecurity includes all issues of IT or information security (which are concerned in the broadest sense with protection against intelligent, strategic attack), Data protection, Cloud Security, Industrial IT Security,  Information security management,  ‘IT Safety’ applies to the technical/functional issues of information security and is primarily concerned with protection against harmful influences.

        Synergies with Cyberwatching.eu:

        • On 8-10 Octobe 2020, organised the SME workshop and had a chance to meet the Bavarian Cluster, and they were informed about the Cyberwatching.eu project. A follow-up call identified that the cluster is interested in participating in H2020 projects and were using Cyberwatching.eu as a reference.
          DIGITAL SME,  5 members, France

          Website: www.digitalsme.eu/digital-sme-france-membership


          About: DIGITAL SME France as a member of the European DIGITAL SME Alliance promotes a European oriented approach towards the development of French SMEs active in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). 

          Synergies with Cyberwatching.eu:

          • On 25 May 2020, Cyberwatching.eu, in collaboration with DIGITAL SME France, organised an SME online workshop to raise SMEs’ awareness about the cybersecurity issues when teleworking. The workshop was held in French and allowed to reach the target audience of French-speaking SMEs, mainly located in Eastern France and Luxembourg. Besides being informed about the Cyberwatching.eu and its key offers for the SMEs, the participants got an introduction to cybersecurity and cyber-attacks. The experts then raised the risk awareness of the participants, describing the specific risks and cyber threats related to teleworking: phishing, ransomware, data theft, Business Email Compromise (BEC) scam, etc. and explaining what kind of vulnerabilities might be exploited by cyber criminals. Finally, the participants got security recommendations from the experts.
          • On 22 July 2020, Cyberwatching.eu and DSME France signed a Memorandum of Understanding based on their common goals with some commitments from both parties.
          Italian DIGITAL SME Alliance, 16 members, Italy

          Website:  https://www.digitalsme.eu/digital-sme-italy-membership


          About: Italian DIGITAL SME Alliance aims to represent the interests of Italian SMEs in the ICT sector at national and European level, by becoming a direct channel of communication with the European institutions through bilateral meetings. Keeping track of information and news release on European policies and regulatory updates, it promotes the exchange of know-how and expands possible working collaboration between members in Europe. In addition, dissemination activities and support to members for participation in projects funded by the European Union is one of the activities aiming to enhance its members’ sectoral skills by participating to European training and workshops.​​

              Check out our first European Cybersecurity and Privacy Cluster catalogue

              Join our Cluster community! Register here.


              On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.

              Future Events

              The webinar will showcase new insights into research projects (CS-AWARE-NEXT, DYNABIC, AI4CYBER) dealing with cybersecurity research and innovation for the protection of critical infrastructures. The projects research on the challenges of cybersecurity and cyber resilience solutions and how the adoption of latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies can aid in the effectiveness and automation of such solutions. Furthermore, challenges arise to ensure trustworthy AI is used in the solutions.
