The final event of the CyberSANE project - International Workshop on Cybersecurity on Critical Infrastructures Management will take place in the framework of the 17th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2022)
CyberSANE has designed an advanced, configurable and adaptable incident handling system for the effective and efficient identification of cybersecurity threats to critical information infrastructures. To adequately validate the benefits and features of the CyberSANE system, a set of 3 pilot scenarios covering energy, transportation and healthcare sectors was defined. This final event will present the system architecture and components, and also our conclusions, challenges, lessons learned, business models and standarisation activities.
Interested? If you cannot attend the ARES conference in Vienna, it is our great pleasure to invite you to attend our event online on Tuesday 23rd August 2022, 15:45-19:00 CEST.
Registration is free of charge but required. Please use the link below to register and in several days you will receive the connection details!
CyberSANE 2022 – AGENDA (23rd August 2022)
17:15 Break
Pablo Giménez Salazar, CyberSANE Pilot Coordinator and CyberSANE Transport Pilot Manager at Fundacion Valenciaport
Robert Bordianu, Senior DevOps Engineer & IoT Evangelist in Lightsource Labs Limited and CyberSANE Energy pilot Manager
Andrius Patapovas, CyberSANE Health Pilot, Healthcare Information Processing at Klinikum Nuremberg
Guillermo Yuste, Data Analytics Consultant, Atos
19:00 End of CyberSANE wokshop
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