Last Friday, January 22nd of 2021, CyberSANE project hosted the first Joint Standardisation Workshop along with projects from the SU-ICT-01-2018 H2020 call, whose main topic is Dynamic countering of cyber-attacks: C4IIoT, CARAMEL, GUARD, SAPPAN, SIMARGL, and SOCCRATES.
The workshop started with a round of presentations led by Manos Athanatos from FORTH, Standardisation and liaison activities leader of CyberSANE project, where each of the 38 participants stated their affiliation, their role in each one of the projects, and their main expectations for the workshop. After a warm welcome and short presentation on the objectives, each project held a 30-min presentation highlighting their objectives, progress and standardisation approach, as it follows:
After the projects presentations, Cybersecurity Research Dr Vasileios Mavroeidis from the University of Oslo held a Keynote talk focused on how to approach and conduct standardisation activities within the context of EU research projects, guiding the following open discussion between the different representatives from the projects. During the ideation session, a number of common standardisation activities to pursue were identified. In order to coordinate and reassess the progress, it was agreed that at least two more workshops will be held during 2021.
If you are interested in knowing more about this topic, or how to collaborate with CyberSANE, please contact Manos Athanatos or Ana María Morales for dissemination purposes.
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