Joao Costa
01 September 2020
30 August 2023
Built upon a mix of highly skilled industrial and academic partners, FISHY aims at delivering a coordinated cyber resilient platform towards establishing trusted supply chains of ICT systems through novel evidence-based security assurance methodologies and metrics as well as innovative strategies for risk estimation and vulnerabilities forecasting leveraging state-of-the-art solutions, leading to resilient complex ICT systems. The FISHY technology builds on seven Key Results:
KER1 Dashboard & Platform
Easing FISHY platform usability, making the whole system user-friendly and ready to be used for different users according to their expected profile and thus permitted functionalities
KER2 Vulnerability Forecast & Risk Estimation (TIM)
Monitoring and gathering metrics from supply chain infrastructure, performing analysis, raising alerts, proposing mitigation actions
KER3 Intent-based Resilience Orchestration (IRO)
Automation of the interactions between the user defining high level intents and the system applying high level policies
KER4 Security Assurance and Certification Manager (SACM)
Auditing and reasoning security metrics tailored to the pilots infrastructure, and collecting certifiable evidence from the pilots' infrastructure
KER5 Security & Privacy Dataspace Infrastructure (SPI)
Organizing data related to infrastructure events and enforcing privacy and Access Control rules, including Identity Management
KER6 Enforcement & Dynamic Configuration (EDC)
Translation of high-level policies into low-level configurations for a variety of NSFs (security controls)
KER7 Secure Infrastructure Abstraction (SIA)
Model-based support for data aggregation and preprocessing: normalization, filtering, etc.
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FISHY Secure Infrastructure Abstraction
Abstract interface allowing the orchestration and connectivity of virtualized functions for monitoring and mitigation actions on different types of underlying infrastructure (IoT, IaaS, baremetal, etc)
FISHY Enforcement & Dynamic Configuration
Framework leveraging a capability model instead of the traditional refinement techniques based on logic rules
FISHY Security & Privacy Dataspace Infrastructure
An enhanced framework for system events' management, including metrics from different sources and promoting co-relation with added semantics
FISHY Security Assurance & Certification Manager
Component architecture tailored to supply chains needs focussing especially on regulatory obligations (e.g., GDPR) and violations/compliance of service level agreements
FISHY Intent-based Resilience Orchestration
Solution translating high level intents into configured policies, and interact with the system response using AI techniques
FISHY Trust & Incident Manager
When addressing the resilience of supply chains in their complexity, a platform that provides vulnerability forecast, risk estimation and mitigation must consider the heterogeneous nature of supply chain infrastructures as an important driver of architectural design and exposing
Easing FISHY platform usability, making the whole system user-friendly and ready to be used for different users according to their expected profile and thus permitted functionalities.
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