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#3 New FENTEC newsletter!

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Third FENTEC newsletter

2nd General Assembly of CARAMEL Project

The 2nd General Assembly of Caramel Project took place in Aveiro, Portugal at the Fundação Engenheiro António Pascoal from 29 – 30 January 2020. In this session, the entire CARAMEL consortium, formed by academic and industry partners as well as the Project Coordinator and Technical Manager participated reviewing the actions carried out and defining the next steps to achieve the goals of CARAMEL Project.

All three pillars of CARAMEL were discussed:

Intelligence-based Cybersecurity for Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM)

European Commission funded project CARAMEL addresses the cybersecurity challenge of the next generation mobility, contributing to the long-term vision of safer roads with zero fatality.

Cyberwatching.eu representatives were recently active in various initiatives across Europe to spread the word about the project’ s outcomes across Europe, establish synergies with other relevant H2020 initiatives and engage with the European cybersecurity community.



The Cyberwatching project supports EU funded cybersecurity projects to connect, share, and synergise to maximise the impact of their research and innovations.

On 2nd of April, a free webinar is organised by Cyberwatching together with Oxford University entitled "A VISUAL GUIDE TO THE EU CYBERSECURITY PROJECT LANDSCAPE".

New secondment for Emily Parsons

New secondment begins for researcher Emily Parsons who just arrived from University of Greenwich in CROMAR.

For Emily the secondment began yesterday 10/3/2020 and she visited with Sakshyam Panda their colleagues at the University of Piraeus in order to discuss issues about the the WP3.

New secondment for Sakshyam Panda

New secondment begins for researcher Sakshyam Panda who just arrived from University of Surrey in CROMAR.

His secondment began yesterday 5/3/2020 and will last until the end of month. Sakshyam, visited his colleagues at the University of Piraeus in order to discuss issues about the the WP3.

Technological drivers, such as IoT, blockchains and AI, are raising some challenges that need to be addressed through the definition of a common legal umbrella to regulate a future data-driven society. The current main EU legal instruments in the cybersecurity and data-protection fields, such as NIS Directive, GDPR and the EU Cybersecurity Act, must deal with incessant technological evolution.

SCOTT approach to indoor localization presented to the biggest translational medicine centre in northern Poland

Indoor localization system developed by GUT within SCOTT project was presented on 21st of February during the annual meeting of specialists working in the area of translational medicine in Gdansk. Over 150 specialists from different fields of medicine, biology, biotechnology, pharmacy and chemistry, that work together in the biggest translational medicine centre in northern Poland, discussed relevant new preclinical research and disease-targeted research outcomes, that can be used to develop new methods to improve human health and longevity.



On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.