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A visual guide to the EU Cybersecurity project landscape
Read the follow-up report entitled "R&I Prepartion for the Market" from the 12th Cyberwatching.eu webinar featuring the latest update on the European Project Radar. This report presented some challenges and recommendations towards a secure and trusted Digital Single Market were discussed on the World Café Sessions held during the second Cyber Concertation meeting of H2020 projects from unit H1 "Cybersecurity & Privacy” last June 2019. One of the topics being discussed was “How R&I can improve the way they prepare for the market” and how the European Project Radar will help the R&I projects.
As part of this work, Cyberwatching is updating and creating a new version of its "Cybersecurity Project Radar" to visualise the state of play across the EU cybersecurity research landscape. This tool addresses key areas of interests for projects themselves, and for funding agencies:
What are the focus areas of research and innovation funding in the EU?
In a nutshell, what does the pipeline in research innovation look like?
When can we expect results that can be ingested by the target customer segments?
How well are the projects progressing through their workplan?
How well are we progressing compared to our competitors?
This webinar will introduce the Cyberwatching Project Radar, how it works, and how the gathered data is processed and visualised. A live demonstration will show how to use the radar, how to interpret the results, and where to find more information.
The webinar is open to all research and innovation projects that want to improve their technological and marketing capabilities. Also, researchers, innovators, EC project officers and programme editors who can use it to observe the cybersecurity and privacy trends.
Registration: The webinar is free of charge.
11:10 - 11:20 - Introduction of the underpinning concepts (taxonomy, MTRL), Michel Drescher (UOXF, Cyberwatching.eu), Marina Ramirez (AEI Cibersiguridad, Cyberwatching.eu)
11:20 - 11:25 - European network of Cybersecurity centres and competence Hub for innovation and Operations, Matteo Merialdo - RHEA Group and ECHO
11:20 - 11:30 - Introduction to the radar and its visualisation concepts, Michel Drescher (UOXF, Cyberwatching.eu)
11:30 - 11:45 - Introduction of the live radar, Michel Drescher (UOXF, Cyberwatching.eu)
11:45 - 11:55 - Q&A
11:55 - 12:00 - Closing remarks
Head Business and ICT Consultant and project manager. Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Malaga, with over 15 years experience in business and strategic consultancy for public administrations and SMEs. At CITIC; Marina develops strategic plans for innovation and information society, ICT and business advice to SMEs, development of commercial offers, attracting companies for participation in R + D + i projects. Reports, market research, analysis, project management.
Mr. Matteo Merialdo is an experienced project manager with over sixteen (16) years of experience in system architecture and technical project management, with a focus on security-by-design and cyber-risk analysis. He has wide experience on managing large cyber-security collaborative projects, including: FP7s and H2020s; European Space Agency GSTP and Artes.
He actually works as Project Implementation Coordinator for the H2020 ECHO project and as Technical Project Manager for the H2020 PANACEA project. He is also managing the Cyber Security Centre of Excellence project for the European Space Agency.
Michel Drescher currently holds two positions as Founder and Director of Cloud Consult Ltd., and as Cloud Computing Standards Specialist of Oxford e-Research Centre at the University of Oxford.
Working for the University Oxford, he drives the standardisation of Cloud Computing services in Europe and world-wide, working with the European Commission, OASIS, IEEE, ETSI, OGF, SNIA and other organisations in this field; while managing Cloud Consult Ltd. Michel provides software engineering consultancy and support for Cloud service providers, supports Cloud service consumers in selecting appropriate Cloud services, and spearheads research and innovation consortium building within Europe.
In his previous position, he was with the Stichting European Grid Initiative, leading and overseeing the development and evolution of software components deployed across a sustainable Production Grid in Europe. Prior to that, he had several positions in the ICT industry at Zühlke Engineering AG, Open Grid Forum, Fujitsu Laboratories of Europe, Ltd., Nokia Networks and Pallas GmbH.
He holds a diploma of Universität Bielefeld in Computer Science & Biology.
Nicholas Ferguson, Digital Communications Strategist & Project Manager. Nicholas has an MSc in Educational Management and a BA Hons in Politics and Sociology. He is the coordinator of the Common Dissemination Booster (CDB) as well as the coordinator of cyberwatching.eu. Previously, he was the coordinator of the CloudWATCH2 project and deputy coordinator of CloudWATCH, SLA-Ready, SIENA and OGF-Europe. He excels in building & promoting innovative tools and services in the ICT innovation landscape. His work focuses on raising awareness of novel tools and services in ICT, in the private, especially SMEs and public sectors as well as providing contributions to the adoption of ICT Standards. Since its launch in 2009, Nicholas managed the Cloudscape Series, www.cloudscapeseries.eu that grew from a funded initiative by the EC to becoming a self-sustaining event attracting international thought leaders in the cloud space in Europe. Nicholas has also played an instrumental role in the evolution of the yearly concertation meetings of the CloudWATCH & CloudWATCH2 projects.
On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.
Cyberwatching.eu has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 740129. The content of this website does not represent the opinion of the European Commission, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that might be made of such content. Privacy Policy | Disclaimer / Terms and Conditions of Use