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Values and Ethics in Responsible Technology in Europe

The future of Horizon Europe depends on thinking beyond the current ethical debates. The VIRT-EU project offers a novel practical ethical framework that challenges technology developers to productively engage the uncertainties that the technologies they create can and will produce. Their tools recognize that power negotiations and value conflicts are inherent in technology development. Such recognition is key not only for technology development but also for policy decisions that will shape Europe's future.

International Conference on Omni-layer Intelligent Systems (COINS)

27/07/2020 to 29/07/2020

COINS is the premier conference devoted to omni-layer techniques for smart AIdriven IoT systems, by identifying new perspectives and highlighting impending research issues and challenges.

European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ECCWS)

25/06/2020 to 26/06/2020

The conference attracts an interesting combination of academic scholars, military personnel, practitioners and individuals who are engaged in various aspects of the cyber security community.

Cyber Security Summit Belgium


The Cyber Security Summit will bring together a diverse group of ICT & Cyber Professionals to discuss the most pertinent issues affecting the security and safety of the digital space. This Summit is an unique event at which interaction and learning from the experiences of others is key. In addition to a high-quality conference programme, there are various activities where interaction and one-to-one contacts are central.

CyberTech Summit

17/06/2020 to 20/06/2020

The Webit.CyberTech Summit gathers top level experts from Europe and around the world and aims to address the challenges of securing corporate, state and private data in the information age we live in.

IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P)

16/06/2020 to 18/06/2020

Since 1980, the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy has been the premier forum for presenting developments in computer security and electronic privacy, and for bringing together researchers and practitioners in the field. Following this story of success, IEEE initiated the European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P), which is organized every year in a European city.

Behavioural Analysis 2020

10/06/2020 to 11/06/2020

A two-day conference exploring how hostile or criminal intent can be identified through the observation of behavioural indicators and the use of tactical risk analysis and non-racial profiling technique.

Open Expo Europe


OpenExpo Europe is the largest Congress and Professional Fair on IT Innovation in Europe. It will offer an entire day of conferences, business cases, keynote speakers, practical workshops, round tables, demos and many other activities.

Infosecurity Europe

02/06/2020 to 04/06/2020

Infosecurity Europe is the sourcing and knowledge hub for Europe’s information and cyber security community. Featuring an interactive exhibition floor with over 400 cutting-edge suppliers, a far-reaching conference programme and a host of networking opportunities, it brings information and cyber security to life. The event aims at bringing business, tech and cyber communities together to discuss and discover how best to protect companies and individuals.

World Conference on Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking

21/05/2020 to 22/05/2020

With members from around the world focused on learning about Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking this is your single best opportunity to reach the largest assemblage of participants from the Global Information Technology Community., conduct demonstrations, distribute information, acquire knowledge about current and trending global technologies, make a splash with a new research, and receive name recognition. World-renowned speakers, the most recent techniques, tactics, and the newest updates in the CYBER SECURITY are the hallmarks of this conference.



On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.