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SANS Threat Hunting London Summit & Training 2020

13/01/2020 to 19/01/2020

The one-day Summit on the 13th of January brings together prominent security practitioners for in-depth talks focused on techniques that can be used to successfully identify, contain, and eliminate adversaries targeting your networks. Attendees will gain tools and methods to leverage as soon as they return to work.

On November 13th the Italian Parliament finally approved Law Decree No. 105/2019, which significantly extends the scope of application of the Italian “golden powers” regulations, amending Law Decree No. 21/2012.

Cyberwatching_Service of the Month: DECEMBER 2019

The Cyberwatching.eu’s promotes the European Commission funded project results, outputs and news and as a result, increase the project visibility to the Cyberwatching community and European Commission and other affiliations.

The Marketplace is a curated compendium of (1) outputs from completed, EU-funded research projects and (2) products and services offered by providers across Europe.

This consolidated collection of Europe-wide, cybersecurity-related information, products and services offers providers unparalled visibility and accessibility.


The SPECIAL (Scalable Policy-awarE linked data arChitecture for prIvacy, trAnsparency and compLiance) project will address the contradiction between Big Data innovation and privacy-aware data protection by proposing a technical solution that makes both of these goals realistic.

Cyberwatching will join FIC2020 with two key initiatives aiming at raising awareness on cybersecurity and bringing into the spotlight key services, tools and solutions for European SMEs that can help them react to online threats and become more cybersecure. Don't miss to visit our booth at E14.

Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC)

09/12/2019 to 13/12/2019

The Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) will be held in San Juan, Puerto Rico on 9-13 December 2019. 

Hacking Democracy

Experts and specialists, on the occasion of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, analyzed the process of personal data leakage, the importance of the ‘new gold’ as personal digital information has been characterized and focus on social, economic, personal and the moral implications of abusive practices.

Prof. Christos Xenakis was one of the speakers and presented the importance of SECONDO

Ethical and Societal Implications of Data Science

e-SIDES is a 36-month R&I H2020 project that will be concluding this coming 31st of December 2019. It is an EU-funded Coordination and Support Action (CSA) that will complement the Research and Innovation Actions (RIAs) of the ICT-18 call on privacy-preserving big data technologies by exploring the societal and ethical implications of big data technologies and providing a broad basis and wider context to validate privacy-preserving technologies.

The GDPR came into force in May 2018 with a blaze of publicity but 18 months on, still many businesses are unclear on how at risk they are from GDPR-related sanctions. The vast majority of business leaders believe that it is essential to comply with the GDPR, especially as companies can risk crippling fines. Indeed, while many companies did act when the regulation came into force, this was often to cover the absolute minimum areas of compliance.

Cyberwatching_Service of the Month

The Cyberwatching.eu’s promotes the European Commission funded project results, outputs and news and as a result, increase the project visibility to the Cyberwatching community and European Commission and other affiliations.

The Marketplace is a curated compendium of (1) outputs from completed, EU-funded research projects and (2) products and services offered by providers across Europe.

This consolidated collection of Europe-wide, cybersecurity-related information, products and services offers providers unparalled visibility and accessibility.



On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.