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On 14th November Cyberwatching.eu joined “Cybersecurity For Europe 2019” organized by the CyberSec4Europe project.

CyberSec4Europe is one of the four large scale projects funded by the European Commission’sDG CNECT to pilot the key building blocks of the upcoming regulation, establishing a new European cybersecurity industrial, technology and research competence network and centre.

Workshop: Boosting security, data and IoT skills of SMEs


Supporting Specialised Skills Development: Big Data, Internet of Things and Cybersecurity for SMEs (EASME/COSME/2017/007)

Showcasing PRIViLEDGE @ Convergence 2019

PRIViLEDGE project will be showcasing at global blockchain congress Convergence on Nov 12-13 in Malaga.

PRIViLEDGE will have a booth at exhibition venue of the conference where the project use-cases will be presented. The project's reprasentatives will engage in dialoge with the visitors to discuss how PRIViLEDGE's ambitious goal to increase the trustworthiness of European ICT services and products and the competitiveness of the European cryptography industry, is achieved within this project.

2nd workshop of EU research and innovation maritime projects

George Bravos presenting the THREAT-ARREST project at the 2nd workshop of EU research and innovation maritime projects at DANAOS headquarters

Newsletter Issue 2

The new SECONDO e-newsletter is available here.

Constructing an Alliance for Value-driven Cyber­security

Constructing an Alliance for Value-driven Cyber­security (CANVAS) is the first project that provides an integrative view on the ethical and regulatory issues of cybersecurity. CANVAS unified technology developers with legal and ethical scholar and social scientists to approach the challenge how cybersecurity can be aligned with European values and fundamental rights.

​Beyond Privacy: Learning Data Ethics - European Big Data Community Forum 2019

Beyond Privacy: Learning Data Ethics

European Big Data Community Forum 2019

November 14, 2019 - 9:00-16:30
Solvay Library, Brussels

SECONDO Kickoff Meeting

SECONDO’s Kick off meeting occurred in Brussels on 16/01/2019! All partners were presented and had their chance to present their expertise.

Enabling Information Exchange of Different IoTs and Data Silos

There are today more than 360 different IoT platforms. The problem is that they are fragmented and lack security. Additionally, interoperability between most of them is not possible.  

At the moment, there are no genuinely decentralized federated security solutions. 



On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.