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CONCORDIA Women’s Awards 2022

CONCORDIA WOMEN’s AWARDS are established to celebrate women in cybersecurity. The awards aim to recognize outstanding women working in cybersecurity and privacy. The prizes intend to encourage young females to continue pursuing their careers in cybersecurity and praise prominent women for their outstanding contributions and achievements.

The 7th International Conference on Gamification & Serious Game (GSGS22)

7th International Conference on Gamification & Serious Games (GSGS22), an annual international conference on gamification and serious games, took place on 29-30 June and 1 July 2022 in Geneva, Switzerland.

GEIGER consortium's Bettina Schneider (FHNW) gave a keynote to present the GEIGER educational ecosystem and introduce the attendees GEIGER games in the field of Data Protection.

International Cybersecurity Forum FIC2022

International Cybersecurity Forum FIC2022, a major cybersecurity event in Europe, took place on 7-9 June in Lille, France. It gathered together over 14.000 attendees from around Europe – service and solution providers, consultants, law enforcement, government agencies, EU projects and institutions, education providers, and end users.

Risk-!n Conference 2022

Risk-!n Conference 2022 took place on 19-20 May in Zürich, Switzerland. GEIGER was presented in a dedicated session that built on the comparison of cyber risks and radioactivity, called 'GEIGER - We make the invisible visible!'.

Become education provider for GEIGER cybersecurity courses!

Tailored especially for micro and small enterprises, the GEIGER educational programme offers a range of learning opportunities and training features for employees, business owners, and persons who are (made) responsible for IT and thus cybersecurity in a small business. The GEIGER approach offers business opportunities for training providers.

Tech.eu Summit 2022

The Tech.eu Summit gathered over a thousand tech enthousiasts to Brussels, Belgium, on 17 May 2022. GEIGER was present at the expo hall, introducing the solution to the visitors at its booth, and giving them a sneak peak to the alpha version of the GEIGER app.

Download SOCCRATES Vision Paper

Organisations face the difficult task of detecting and responding to increasing numbers of cyber-attacks and threats, given that their own ICT infrastructures are complex, constantly changing and there is a shortage of qualified cybersecurity experts. To deal with these challenges, many organisations have increased their efforts in security monitoring and incident response and established (internal) SOCs and CSIRTs (or outsourced these tasks to a MSSP). But even with these increased defence efforts, the levels of cyberthreat exposure cannot be sufficiently reduced.

How to design your hands-on cybersecurity training? CONCORDIA will help you!

The need for skilled cybersecurity staff has never been higher. We know this, and we react. CONCORDIA H2020 project will deliver you educational content, specialized webinars, and powerful tools to improve your capabilities in designing your hands-on cybersecurity training in the following weeks. 

Event for Swiss SMEs: How to deal with cyber security risks?

The kickoff event of the Swiss GEIGER Alpha testing on 3 May 2022 gathered approximately 15 participants to discuss the GEIGER platform and the Alpha testing phase at Berufsfachschule BBB in Baden, Switzerland.

SME Guide on Information Security Controls

Information is probably the most crucial asset for any organisation, including SMEs. But what is information? Why do we need to protect it?



On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.