The kickoff event of the GEIGER Alpha testing in the Swiss pilot use case took place on 3 May. Approximately 15 small business owners and employees, and BBB students gathered to discuss the GEIGER platform and the Alpha testing phase at Berufsfachschule BBB in Baden, Switzerland.
The guests had mobile devices available on site, and they had the opportunity to perform the first tests of the GEIGER app. The event also connected the participating SMEs with the BBB students who are being trained as GEIGER Cyber Security Defenders. Through the GEIGER community and the dedicated platform developed by the GEIGER project, the students can mentor the SMEs and give them a good experience with GEIGER.
Under the organisation and leadership of Renata Säuberli and Jürg Haller from BBB, and Samuel Fricker and David Kern from FHNW, and with the support of BBB teachers and the FHNW team, the Alpha phase launch was a great success. We are looking forward to engaging more SMEs in the GEIGER project in all three pilot countries – Switzerland, Romania and the Netherlands – and to introducing the GEIGER app to them in the coming months!
This article was originally published at: https://project.cyber-geiger.eu/Events/20220503_Swiss_SME_event.html
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