Information is probably the most crucial asset for any organisation, including SMEs. But what is information? Why do we need to protect it?
A new 'SME Guide on Information Security Controls' by The European DIGITAL SME Alliance (DIGITAL SME) and Small Business Standards (SBS) answers these questions.
The guide was written by a group of experts who are themselves owners of SMEs or spent a significant part of their career working with/for SMEs. The GEIGER project lead Samuel Fricker, FHNW, was part of the working group. With the support of SBS and DIGITAL SME, the working group collaborated to develop this guide with the aim to provide relevant and practical information for SMEs to protect their information.
Read more and download the 'SME Guide on Information Security Controls' here.
This article was originally published at: https://project.cyber-geiger.eu/News/20220408_SME_guide_on_Information_Security_Controls.html
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