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R&I Project Hub


The Cyberwatching.eu PROJECT HUB is Europe’s ONLY complete and unabridged compilation of EU-funded research projects on cybersecurity topics. It was created specifically to facilitate information transfer, communication and cross-pollination.

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Micro-enterprises often lack resources in terms of time, finance, people and knowledge to understand and apply the GDPR requirements, leaving them exposed to involuntary breaches and fines.

The SMOOTH project provides micro-enterprises with resources to adopt GDPR smoothly without incurring unnecessary or unaffordable costs and safeguarding the interests of the EU data subjects on data privacy and security.


SMESEC proposes a cost-effective framework composed of specific cyber-security tool-kits to support SMEs in managing network information security risks and threats. It is important that SMEs do not only look at cyber-security as an obstacle, but also they understand the business opportunity beyond it.


SISSDEN is a project aimed at improving the cybersecurity posture of EU entities and end users through development of situational awareness and sharing of actionable information. It builds on the experience of Shadowserver, a non-profit organization well known in the security community for its efforts in mitigation of botnet and malware propagation, free of charge victim notification services, and close collaboration with Law Enforcement Agencies, national CERTs, and network providers.


SHiELD will unlock the value of health data to European citizens and businesses by overcoming security and regulatory challenges that today prevent this data being exchanged with those who need it. This will make it possible to provide better health care to mobile citizens across European borders, and facilitate legitimate commercial uses of health data


SHARCS is a framework for designing, building and demonstrating secure-by-design applications and services, that achieve end-to-end security for their users. SHARCS will achieve this by systematically analyzing and extending, as necessary, the hardware and software layers in a computing system.


SerIoT aims to provide a useful open & reference framework for real-time monitoring of the traffic exchanged through heterogeneous IoT platforms within the IoT network in order to recognize suspicious patterns, to evaluate them and finally to decide on the detection of a security leak, privacy threat and abnormal event detection, while offering parallel mitigation actions that are seamlessly exploited in the background.

SerIoT technology will be installed, deployed and validated in emerging IoT-enabled application areas (i.e. Smart Transportation, Surveillance & Flexible Manufacturing/Industrie 4.0 as core business areas and & Food & Supply chain) through-out its lifetime, enabling the conduction of pioneer R&D for the delivery of horizontal IoT end-to-end security platform in Europe.The 


Cloud security is of immediate concern to organisations that must comply with strict confidentiality and integrity policies. More broadly, security has emerged as a commercial imperative for cloud computing across a wide range of markets. The lack of adequate security guarantees is becoming the primary barrier to the broad adoption of cloud computing.



The main goal of the project is to create a single point of Reference for EU national Cybercrime Centres of Excellence (hereinafter – CoE) and develop further the Network of national CoE into well-defined and well-functioning community


Who is the project designed for?


Creating trust in wireless solutions and increasing their social acceptance are major challenges to achieve the full potential of the Internet of Things (IoT). Therefore, SCOTT – Secure COnnected Trustable Things, a pan-European effort with 57 key partners from 12 countries (EU and Brazil), provides comprehensive cost-efficient solutions of wireless, end-to-end secure, trustworthy connectivity and interoperability (Technology Readiness Level 6-7) to bridge the last mile to market implementation.





On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.

Future Events

The webinar will showcase new insights into research projects (CS-AWARE-NEXT, DYNABIC, AI4CYBER) dealing with cybersecurity research and innovation for the protection of critical infrastructures. The projects research on the challenges of cybersecurity and cyber resilience solutions and how the adoption of latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies can aid in the effectiveness and automation of such solutions. Furthermore, challenges arise to ensure trustworthy AI is used in the solutions.


Deliverables Research

This deliverable presents the results of the analysis of the Cybersecurity and Privacy European research projects and their results, including the characterisation of the projects comprised in the Project Radar, the analysis of the Market and Technology Readiness Levels (MTRL)

The Cyberwatching.eu team present in this report a series of visualisations of EC supported activities in the area of Cybersecurity and Privacy that allows possible exploiters of the outputs of these projects to understand their status.

This deliverable offers an analysis of the landscape of EU funded projects in the Cybersecurity and Privacy research community using well-known statistical analysis methodologies.

This deliverable (August 2020) presents a visualisation of EC supported activities in the area of Cybersecurity and Privacy that allows possible exploiters of the outputs of these projects to understand their status.