Lorenzo Marchese
01 May 2018
31 January 2021
Micro-enterprises often lack resources in terms of time, finance, people and knowledge to understand and apply the GDPR requirements, leaving them exposed to involuntary breaches and fines.
The SMOOTH project provides micro-enterprises with resources to adopt GDPR smoothly without incurring unnecessary or unaffordable costs and safeguarding the interests of the EU data subjects on data privacy and security.
On the one hand, SMOOTH created awareness of the importance of complying with the new legislation delivering a practical, interactive handbook tailored to guide microenterprises through the GDPR requirements.
This resulted in the GDPR Handbook - an online handbook for micro-enterprises, providing detailed guidance on:
On the other hand, SMOOTH developed an advanced cloud-based platform for validating the GDPR compliance of their privacy policies, databases, and their tracking elements in websites and mobile applications. Micro companies are informed of the elements needed to be GDPR compliant and equipped with tailored tools and resources to solve any detected issues.
SMOOTH has opened registrations for the Market Pilot of its cloud platform. This is the chance for small businesses across Europe to test if their data storage and management are GDPR-compliant quickly and easily.
The new pilot builds upon the lessons learned from its predecessors, run by SMOOTH in 2019 and 2020. The process is optimised for enterprises that have to use their time most productively, and you can get results in a few clicks.
Companies can get tailored support for their data management, ensure they are GDPR compliant and improve their business!
They can register here: https://questionnaire.smoothplatform.eu/ui.
What can they get in return?
They can build up their reputation with clients and network by showing they have an adequate solution in place to protect their data.
Who is the project designed for?
Public Sector Organizations, IT SMEs, Researchers, Security Software Industry, End User Organizations, Cyber insurance companies, Policy & Regulators.
How will your project benefit the end-user?
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