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SMESEC project Open Call for SMEs and SME associations

SMESEC has released an open call for SMEs and SME associations in order to validate SMESEC framework and at the same time improve their systems’ security.


SMESEC is inviting SMEs to participate in the validation of the SMESEC framework. By participating you not only have influence on the evaluation of the SMESEC framework, but also improve your own company security and get up to €20.000 of funds!

Providing GDPR compliance solutions to European Micro Enterprises (MENTs) - The SMOOTH project

SMOOTH is an EU H2020 project that aims to help microenterprises to adopt GDPR in a smooth manner, with the use of easy-to-use and affordable tools.

The project will last from 2018 to 2020 and it is now developing a cloud-based platform that validates micro businesses compliance with GDPR and informs them of the elements needed to be revised to avoid potential fines.

CONCORDIA - Leading the development of a common Cybersecurity Research and Innovation Roadmap for Europe

CONCORDIA will pilot an EU Cybersecurity Competence Network to provide technological, societal and policy leadership for Europe. CONCORDIA aims to implement a common Cybersecurity Research and Innovation Roadmap for Europe.

The ECHO - European network of Cybersecurity centres and competence Hub for innovation and Operations - project will prepare the ground for the Cybersecurity Competence Network

The ECHO project (European network of Cybersecurity centres and competence Hub for innovation and Operations) is one of four Pilot projects, launched by the European Commission, to establish and operate a Cybersecurity Competence Network.  Amid keynote presentations from supporting representatives of EU agencies and industry, the project was officially launched at the Conference Hall of the Royal Military Academy of Belgium, on February 25th, 2019.

Cyberwatching.eu Project of the Week: ECHO Project

The ECHO project, one of the four pilot projects aimed at establishing a European Cybersecurity Competence Network has just been launched on February 25th in Brussels.

Establishing the European Cybersecurity Competence Network: CyberSec4Europe

The CyberSec4Europe project, one of the four pilot projects aimed at establishing a European Cybersecurity Competence Network has just been launched on February 28 in Brussels.

Project of the Week - PoSeID-on

Poseidon is one of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Cluster projects that aims to develop an innovative Privacy Enhancing Dashboard for personal data protection supporting the digital security pillars of the new EU’s GDPR.

It will be an opportunity for all Unit H1 and Cybersecurity Projects to join forces, exploit synergies and to provide inputs directly to the EC.

The second Cyberwatching Concertation Meeting will take place in Brussels, Belgium on 4th June 2019.

Brussels - Second CW Concertation Meeting, 04/06/2019


Join us at the second Cyberwatching.eu Concertation meeting, 04 June 2019!



On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.