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Annual Privacy Forum 2019

13/06/2019 to 14/06/2019

Electronic communication networks and interconnected digital services have become ubiquitous as they have permeated every fold of everyday life. At a time when automated profiling and electronic surveillance have become commodities, citizens and businesses alike may face limitations and threats when they have personal data processed or seek to protect their privacy on the internet or when using general communication services. Limitations in the transparency, the functionality and interconnectivity of online and communication services increases the risk of having personal data processed out of control of any accountable person or organization or simply becoming exposed to all sorts of privacy threats.

CyberSec4Europe Launch Event




17:30 Thursday, 28 February 2019


Representation of the State of Hessen to the EU

rue Montoyer 21, 1000 Brussels


With the friendly support of the Representation 

of the State of Hessen to the European Union


ECHO Project


The ECHO project (European network of Cybersecurity centres and competence Hub for innovation and Operations) is one of four Pilot projects, launched by the European Commission, to establish and operate a Cybersecurity Competence Network.  Amid keynote presentations from supporting representatives of EU agencies and industry, the project was officially launched at the Conference Hall of the Royal Military Academy of Belgium, on February 25th, 2019.

The ECHO project (European network of Cybersecurity centres and competence Hub for innovation and Operations) is one of four Pilot projects, launched by the European Commission, to establish and operate a Cybersecurity Competence Network.  Amid keynote presentations from supporting representatives of EU agencies and industry, the project was officially launched at the Conference Hall of the Royal Military Academy of Belgium, on February 25th, 2019.

Cyber Insurance and its Contribution to Cyber Risk Mitigation - Leiden March 25-29

25/03/2019 to 29/03/2019

The rise in both the scale and severity of recent cyberattacks demands new thinking about cybersecurity risk and the mitigation and transfer of that risk. Cyber insurance is one potential way to manage risk by transferring damage liability, but the cyber insurance market is immature and the understanding and actuarial knowledge of cyber-risk is currently underdeveloped.

CyberSec4Europe Launch Event


As EU institutions discuss the EC proposal for a regulation establishing the European Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Competence Centre and the Network of National Coordination Centres, four pilot projects are starting to experiment on some core building blocks.

These include cybersecurity governance in Europe, the application of cybersecurity research to critical industry sectors, the availability, evaluation and usage of open tools for cybersecurity, and the creation of a cybersecurity research roadmap.

Cyberwatching.eu Project of the Week: HERMENEUT

Enterprises Intangible Risk Management via Economic Models based on Simulation of Modern Cyber Attacks

A Dynamic Solution for Intangible Assets


Project Hermeneut is a Horizon 2020 research and innovation project focusing on the economic aspects of cybersecurity, specially regarding intangible assets. It started in May 2017 and with a duration of 24 months it’s now approaching its end.

Project of the Week - HERMENEUT

Cyberwatching.eu Project of the Week: HERMENEUT

Enterprises Intangible Risk Management via Economic Models based on Simulation of Modern Cyber Attacks

A Dynamic Solution for Intangible Assets


Project Hermeneut is a Horizon 2020 research and innovation project focusing on the economic aspects of cybersecurity, specially regarding intangible assets. It started in May 2017 and with a duration of 24 months it’s now approaching its end.

The Cybersecurity Innovation Hub, just presented on its first 2019 event on the 18th of February in León (Spain) is a digital ecosystem around cybersecurity and advanced technologies, mainly directed at companies to help them carry out their digital transformation in a safe digital environment. http://www.aei.org/tag/cybersecurity/

HERMENEUT 2nd workshop “Insurance in Cybersecurity”


After the successful first edition, HERMENEUT invites you to join our 2nd workshop on insurance in cybersecurity, to be held on the 5th of March 2019 in Milan (IT).

The workshop aims at exploring three aspects of the cyberinsurance market:



On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.