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Warning: Use of undefined constant REQUEST_URI - assumed 'REQUEST_URI' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in eval() (line 2 of /var/www/html/web/modules/php/php.module(80) : eval()'d code). Project of the Week: ECHO Project

The ECHO project, one of the four pilot projects aimed at establishing a European Cybersecurity Competence Network has just been launched on February 25th in Brussels.

Together with CONCORDIACybersec4Europe and SPARTA, the ECHO project has been funded under an H2020 call about "establishing and operating a pilot for a European Cybersecurity Competence Network and developing a common European Cybersecurity Research & Innovation Roadmap".


ECHO’s objectives and tools

ECHO will design, validate and exploit the setup of a European Cybersecurity Competence Network (CCN): a crucial part of the Digital Single Market, aiming to promote European cybersecurity autonomy.

Each of the four pilot projects has its specific set of objectives and tools. Among its planned innovations, ECHO will develop a novel Multi-sector Assessment Framework and its resulting application against sectors specific, inter-sectors and transversal cybersecurity challenges leveraging the development of a Cyberskills Framework and a Governance Model for the Cybersecurity Competence Network and its implementation roadmap. From a technical perspective, ECHO will develop a novel Early Warning System for the CCN and will network existing cyber ranges into the Federation of Cyber Ranges.


ECHO’s specificities and upcoming challenges

ECHO’s originality will drive the possibilities to ensure resilient capacities to secure European digital economy, infrastructures, society, and democracy. ECHO will face some difficult challenges in the fields of EU Cybersecurity & Privacy and in particular it will:

  • research and analyze increasing cybersecurity challenges in various sectors (such as health, defense, maritime, space, etc.)

  • develop technology and research roadmaps to establish foundations in order to strengthen industrial capabilities, to establish and enhance sustainable governance of large competence networks

  • improve the skills and competence of current and future professional through training programs and certification

  • reach the pooling and streamline of capabilities between industries and technologies in order to support the goal of European strategic autonomy


A Cyber-resilient EU through collaboration

The establishment of the European Cybersecurity Competence Network directly contributes to a vision of a more ambitious Europe, that will collaborate more closely with regards to cybersecurity technological and industrial capabilities, from innovation to deployment. This will be possible by ensuring the participation of a wide diversity of organizations and nations towards a common goal of improved cyber-resilience across the EU.

Positive and innovative results of ECHO and the other three funded projects within the same H2020-SU-ICT-2018 call, in conjunction with the increasing need of a state-of-the-art cybersecurity posture of the European society, will contribute on the investments on cybersecurity and information security within the upcoming Horizon Europe.


More information about the ECHO Project is available on their website

Twitter: @ECHOcybersec

LinkedIn: in/echo-cybersecurity

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