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SAPPAN: A European approach to enable privacy-preserving federation for cybersecurity incident detection and handling

SAPPAN has a strong focus on improving cybersecurity for international public institutions and multinational companies in Europe. Improved threat detection techniques, response, and recovery will help these institutions and companies grow stronger and compete more effectively in the European market and beyond.

CYBERWISER.eu: enabling an efficient approach to cyber training

The CYBERWISER.eu platform is an all-in-one cybersecurity training environment with a risk-centric learning path and advanced cyber range. It enables an efficient approach to cyber training by reducing the time to design complex attack-defence scenarios.

Cyberwatching.eu July Newsletter: Cybersecurity & privacy resources for SME in Covid-19 period

CyberSANE - 1st Technical Newsletter

The first edition of CyberSANE’s biannual newsletter is now available.

The Cyberwatching.eu has published a cybersecurity survey on social interactions changes during the Covid-19 period. The online survey will be available on the Cyberwatching.eu website and will run for 6 weeks over the summer, starting 22nd July until 31st August 2020. Take the survey now!

One of the goals of the Cyberwatching.eu project is to identify ways to cluster active projects with similar aims for their mutual benefit, identifying possible opportunities for lightweight synergies and supporting them with targeted support activities, such as joint webinars and outreach activities. In order to achieve this objective, in the past weeks Cyberwatching.eu organised two virtual meetings with two different groups of projects, with the specific aim to help them improve their market capabilities.



On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.