The European Union and the EU Member States are building the necessary cybersecurity culture and capabilities to resist and counteract the very real and ever-changing cyber threats and cyber-attacks. Funded under the EC’s H2020 programme, CYBERWISER.eu has rolled out an effective and user-friendly training environment for cyber capacity-building in Europe.
CYBERWISER.eu is also working with its Stakeholder Expert Board to assess EU cybersecurity training strategies, tracking progress and pinpointing skill gaps and employer trainee needs to help shape future investments through public-private partnerships across Europe. The outputs will be an interactive Skills Map and a set of Guidelines, complementing the work of ECSO and ENISA.
Giving students the opportunity to use a cyber range is a brilliant idea with access to VMs (virtual machines) and showing us how to handle cyber-attacks and defence. I have learnt new aspects of SQL vulnerabilities. Hands-on testing on a real virtual machine was really a plus together with the possibility to play both attacker and defender and see what this means in real life.
Riccardo Bertini: Cybersecurity Systems. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity, University of Pisa.
The CYBERWISER.eu platform is an all-in-one cybersecurity training environment with a risk-centric learning path and advanced cyber range. It enables an efficient approach to cyber training by reducing the time to design complex attack-defence scenarios. Its modular approach makes it easy to match training courses to specific roles and skill sets at various levels of knowledge, from risk awareness and threat profiling to simulated environments and cyber range exercises in close to real-world scenarios.
Its key differentiator is its flexible and customisable learning path based on the Chartered Institute of Information Security (CIISec) Framework with a training offer from primer to advanced, with cyber-risk evaluation and cost/benefit analysis.
The win-win lies in the close collaboration between CYBERWISER.eu and its early adopters, spanning three full-scale pilots with an institute of higher education, a utility company, and a public railway operator and an open pilot stream that offers free training to public and private organisations, large or small.
CYBERWISER.eu gives users a flexible and versatile tool for exercising and rehearsing the cyber risks and threats they may be facing. It gives the necessary skills for organisations to protect themselves against common cyber risks: Phishing, password weaknesses, ransomware, data leakage, and insider threats, through ICT infrastructure simulations with cyber-attacks and defensive measures.
Here are some of the CYBERWISER.eu Open pilots:
The CYBERWISER.eu has organised the Risk Awareness Webinar series, showing how your staff can use the CYBERWISER.eu platform for professional training on cyber threats and attacks. Each of the 5 Webinars will take participants through different hands-on cyber range exercises on some of the most popular threats and attacks with topics varying from Awareness of Password Weaknesses, SQL Injection, Phishing and more. The first webinar of this series is on Awareness of Password Weaknesses, taking place on 5th August at 15:00 CEST. Register now!
Cyberwatching.eu has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 740129. The content of this website does not represent the opinion of the European Commission, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that might be made of such content. Privacy Policy | Disclaimer / Terms and Conditions of Use