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Blog Post: CyberSANE Methodology for gathering End Users requirements

Through different methodologies and tools, CyberSANE project has defined the requirements of Energy, Maritime Transport and Healthcare organisations which are acting as end-users within the project. This process has been essential to understanding the various demands of these CIIs and the technical necessities of their infrastructures.

Tackling personal data and trust with SOTER

We live in the era of the conscious consumer. People are asking more of brands and they’re aware when a brand’s behaviour breaches their sense of ethics. Businesses are subject to greater judgment than ever, and the public deliver their verdicts with their wallets.

Cyberwatching.eu project, CSA supported under Unit H1 of DG Connect, is aiming to cluster active projects with similar aims for their mutual benefit, by identifying possible opportunities for lightweight synergies and supporting them with targeted support activities, such as joint webinars and outreach activities.

CONVERGENCE - Making the European Cybersecurity Competence Network a Reality

09/12/2020 to 11/12/2020

The Cyber Competence Network, comprising the four pilots CyberSec4EuropeSPARTACONCORDIA and ECHO, are delighted to announce a three-day concertation event from 9-11 December to be hosted online with the friendly support of the Representation of the State of Hessen to the EU.

TELESTO is one of the SMEs involved in the cyberwatching.eu strategy to engage with a large pan-European community of SMEs.

REactively Defending against Advanced Cybersecurity Threats

Systems still suffer from vulnerabilities, despite the many active or passive defenses in place that have been developed in the last few decades.

 ReAct performs state-of-the-art research in order  (i) to respond to early signals of cyber attacks,  (ii) to build expertise in experimental cyber security, and (iii) to  contribute to European Digital Sovereignty. -  Evangelos Markatos, ReAct Project Coordinator

FREE WEBINAR: EPES and Smart GRIDS: practical tools and methods to fight against cyber and privacy attacks, 12 November 2020, 11:00 CET

Webinar: EPES and Smart GRIDS: practical tools and methods to fight against cyber and privacy attacks

SDN-microSENSE participates in the webinar: “EPES and Smart GRIDS: practical tools and methods to fight against cyber and privacy attacks“. The webinar will take place on 12 November 2020 at 11 AM CET, in collaboration with EnergySHIELDSDN-MicrosenseSealedGRID andDEFeND projects

EPES and Smart GRIDS: practical tools and methods to fight against cyber and privacy attacks


On 12th of  November 2020 at 11:00 CET, Cyberwatching.eu organised a webinar entitled "EPES and Smart GRIDS: practical tools and methods to fight against cyber and privacy attacks"in collaboration with EnergySHIELD, SDN-Microsense, SealedGRID and DEFeNDwho will be presenting their solutions to protect EPES and Smart Grids against cyber-threats, and preserve consumers' privacy.



On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.