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Cyberwatching.eu events

5G vs Cable: Benefits & security risks


Thank you to all speakers & viewers who joined yesterday’s workshop on “5G vs Cable”.

Watch it again - If you missed anything or want to re-watch a session, then the whole event is now available online.

Webinar: Security and Privacy by Design for Healthcare


On 10th December, the Cyberwatching.eu is organising a webinar entitled "Security and Privacy by Design for Healthcare: New solutions from EU H2020 Projects to comply with GDPR, Medical Device Regulation, EU Directive 2016/1148 on essential services and COVID context" focussing on developed solutions that are effective and usable in the healthcare context to reduce the overall ex-ante risk, this includes threats specific to Covid-like situations.

EPES and Smart GRIDS: practical tools and methods to fight against cyber and privacy attacks


On 12th of  November 2020 at 11:00 CET, Cyberwatching.eu organised a webinar entitled "EPES and Smart GRIDS: practical tools and methods to fight against cyber and privacy attacks"in collaboration with EnergySHIELD, SDN-Microsense, SealedGRID and DEFeNDwho will be presenting their solutions to protect EPES and Smart Grids against cyber-threats, and preserve consumers' privacy.

Cyberwatching.eu at CONCORDIA Open Door 2020

28/10/2020 to 29/10/2020

On 28th and 29th October 2020, Cyberwatching.eu will participate in CONCORDIA OPEN DOOR 2020.

Cyberwatching.eu is holding a virtual-exhibitor stand to present the project to industry specialists and other event participants.

What is CONCORDIA Open Door?

Teleworking during COVID-19: Good practices and tips


In today's COVID-19 period, working from home ensures the safety and well-being of a company's workforce and clients. Telework will go on for an indefinite period and could even become the new standard for companies.

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many small and medium enterprise (SME) to implement a quick transition to a more digitalised workflow. This rapid and, in many cases, involuntary modernisation of small and medium companies obviously carries with it many cybersecurity risks.

Boosting synergies to improve the market readiness levels of projects

09/07/2020 to 16/07/2020

One of the goals of the Cyberwatching.eu project is to identify ways to cluster (still active) projects with similar aims for their mutual benefit, and support these with targeted support activities (webinars, deep dives, focus events, etc.)

Cyberwatching.eu is organising two (2) separate virtual meetings with two different groups of projects, in order to help them improve their market capabilities.

Decentralized operation and security in the IoT Space


Cyberwatching.eu and the SOFIE project are collaborating to organise a 2-hour workshop entitled “Decentralised operation and security in the IoT Space” to be held on 18th June at 11 AM CEST (12 PM EEST). The workshop will be showcasing how decentralized operation and security in the IoT Space help our society and economy.



The Cyberwatching project supports EU funded cybersecurity projects to connect, share, and synergise to maximise the impact of their research and innovations.

On 2nd of April, a free webinar is organised by Cyberwatching together with Oxford University entitled "A VISUAL GUIDE TO THE EU CYBERSECURITY PROJECT LANDSCAPE".

From research to market: promising outputs are not enough!


A great deal of EU funded projects goes into developing the technological aspects of products and project outputs. However, a corresponding amount of support activity is vital to bring those outputs to market, providing an organic sustainability plan and an exploitation strategy.

Within the context of sustainability and exploitation, ‘Market Readiness’ is defined as the process by which a consortium ensures that their project outputs are ready to go to the market.



On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.