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FISHY Security Assurance & Certification Manager

Component architecture tailored to supply chains needs focussing especially on regulatory obligations (e.g., GDPR) and violations/compliance of service level agreements

FISHY Trust & Incident Manager

When addressing the resilience of supply chains in their complexity, a platform that provides vulnerability forecast, risk estimation and mitigation must consider the heterogeneous nature of supply chain infrastructures as an important driver of architectural design and exposing it with an architecture designed for supply chains, instead of single network.


Easing FISHY platform usability, making the whole system user-friendly and ready to be used for different users according to their expected profile and thus permitted functionalities.

Cyber Security Program for Startups

Worldwide Startups can secure their business with Cyber Legion helps.

Every Startup Organization, regardless of its size, collects, stores, and uses important information, and can struggle to implement powerful cybersecurity practices because of limited resources such as time, money, and people.

Cyber Legion team believe that any Organizations should be help to build and maintain trust and lasting relationships with clients and beneficiaries.


The Sentry is a service that is designed to detect targeted attacks. When a targeted attack successfully breaches an organization, it is extremely important to be able to detect it is quickly as possible and thus prevent greater damage. The service includes the Sentry software installed on workstations, which finds targeted attacks and more traditional bulk malware.

Advanced Persistent Threat Feed

The Fitsec Advanced Persistent Threat feed is a collection of data used to identify malware fingerprints and attacks targeted towards an organization. It is designed to be easily integrated into your existing systems and to improve your malware detection capabilities. With our APT-feed, your organization is equipped to possibly stop an advanced attack altogether, or at least minimize the damages to your operation.

Cybersecurity Awareness Solution for Local Public Administrations

CS-AWARE is a cybersecurity situational awareness software solution for Local Public Administrations. It was designed to detect, classify and visualize cybersecurity incidents in real time, supporting the prevention or mitigation of cyber-attacks. It addresses small, medium or big size Local Public Administrations and it can be taylored to any local software set-up, any European language and any type of LPA internal workflow and specifics.

The main features are:

1) Versatile connectivity: it is capable to connect to any type of internal or external data source

SOFIE Semantic Representation Component


Semantic representation is a mechanism for describing the data model and the services of IoT devices. The component defines a common representation data model for IoT devices (Things), their services and their data, which enables interoperability and automation in the deployment of services and applications on top of federated IoT environments. 

The data model is then managed by the component, which allows users to define the accepted data models in the system. The benefits of using Semantic Representation is to make systems more transparent to external users.

SOFIE Interledger Component


The purpose of the SOFIE Interledger component is to enable secure transactions between actors and devices belonging to IoT platforms (silos) using different or separate blockchains. The Interledger component then enables interaction between the ledgers, including atomic transactions across ledgers.


GuardYoo is an easy-to-use, agentless, yet powerful solution, that enables organizations of all sizes to proactively discover malware and persistent threats (active or dormant), that have breached existing defenses including online and real-time protection measures.



On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.

Future Events

NERO Cybersecurity invites you to join its first webinar entitled "Empowering SMEs: Cybersecurity Strategies for a Secure Digital Future," on 3 July 2024 from 15:00-16:30 CEST.
