Cybersecurity risk management has become a priority for companies and organisations. Staying ahead of threats and regulatory compliance is no joke, let alone how to identify risks, prioritise and take action. So, what steps can you take to ensure resilience and build trust in your services?
Cyber risk management can be challenging in multiple ways given that many organisations do not perceive the risk until something bad happens and many smaller organisations do not have the means or even the awareness of the risks that exist. All too often, an SME (or even a large company or organisation) only sees their risk exposure when an actual breach occurs, a denial-of-service attack or when they are “locked out” of their own data by a ransomware attack.
This 17th webinar entitled “Cybersecurity risk management: How to strengthen resilience and adapt in 2021”, gathering over 132 registered participants from 29 countries around the globe. The webinar focussed on standardisation and certification, in particular in relation to the large European SME community with presentations from ECSO, which provided a policy setting to the webinar and key players such as SGS, and Cyberwatching.eu partners Digital SME Alliance and AON.
The webinar also shone the light on R&I research into the topic. Six R&I projects CyberSure, CUREX, GEIGER, PANACEA, RESISTO and SECONDO, presented their research in the field highlighting the risk management challenge they address, the key results and the main impacts of these results on European organisations (in particular SMEs).
Read this short post-webinar highlighting the importance of online resources and tools which target SMEs. These are essential in helping SMEs prepare for cyberattacks and become more resilient. The Cyberwatching.eu Risk Management tool and the forthcoming cybersecurity certification seal, are tools that can help organisations to expose and employ prevention mechanisms in areas where there could be significant cybersecurity risks, which were not identified and addressed previously.
On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.
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