Mariza Konidi
01 December 2018
30 November 2021
The vision of CUREX is to safeguard patient privacy and increase their trust in the currently vulnerable critical healthcare information infrastructures, especially in cases where data is exchanged among healthcare stakeholders within any business, operational and systemic cross-border environment. By leveraging novel methods on ontological health data modelling, vulnerability discovery, threat intelligence, cybersecurity, and privacy risk assessment methodologies, and state-of-the art in blockchain technologies for health data, CUREX aims at enabling secure and authorized sensitive health data exchange. CUREX will achieve its objectives by empowering healthcare institutions to efficiently, accurately and effectively assess and address their cybersecurity and privacy risks associated with health data exchange and enhance their cybersecurity and privacy awareness among the organization personnel. By capitalizing on technologies developed for the well-known H2020 project MyHealthMyData (MHMD), CUREX will offer a secure-by-design business network based on the MHMD blockchain technologies and software that will provide accountability and auditability functionalities that will increase trust among hospitals and care centres. CUREX will provide GDPR compliant tools and applications targeted towards healthcare professionals and individuals, offering a secure and private-by-design environment to access and exchange data.
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