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Over the past decade we are witnessing an ever-increasing amount of cyberattacks on the Internet. Prolific, ingenious, and ranging in style from large-scale worms to 'below the radar' phishing attempts, cyberattacks have evolved to unprecedented levels of sophistication. To counter these cyberattacks, defenders are (mostly) developing safeguards, after the attack was made. In the meantime, while defenders are busy with mending the fences, attackers had already developed and planned their next strike


Wireless networks transform our environments into smart ones: ubiquitous medical services, smart energy production & distribution, automated logistics chains, smart buildings, more effective tactical operations, more efficient and safer transportation. We have every reason to embrace smart environments but without new dangers for the systems and their users.


SUPERCLOUD researches and develops new security and dependability infrastructure management paradigm. Our approach is on one hand, User-Centric for self-service clouds-of-clouds, i.e., customers can define their own protection requirements and avoid provider lock-ins. On the other hand we focus on Self-Managed services for self-protecting clouds-of-clouds which can reduce administration complexity through automation.


Today the European Public Sector Players lack the necessary infrastructure and technology to allow them to integrate their computing clouds. Furthermore, legislative barriers often make it difficult to use available commercial technological solutions. The SUNFISH project aims to provide a specific and new solution to face these issues.


Water critical infrastructures (CIs) are essential for human society, life and health and they can be endangered by physical/cyber threats with severe societal consequences. To address this, STOP-IT assembles a team of major Water Utilities, industrial technology developers, high tech SMEs and top EU R&D providers.


The SpeechXRays project will develop and test in real-life environments a user recognition platform based on voice acoustics analysis and audio-visual identity verification.


Our vision is to reconcile Big Data innovation with the requirements of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) through technical solutions making the achievement of both of these goals realistic. They allow citizens and organisations to share more data while maintaining compliance with the GDPR, as well as supporting data protection and transparency.



The SPEAR (Secure and PrivatE smArt gRid) project is a research program, co-funded by the Horizon 2020 framework programme of the European Union. SPEAR aims at developing an integrated platform of methods, processes, tools and supporting tools for:


More and more data is being generated, and analyzing this data drives knowledge and value creation across society. Unlocking this potential requires sharing of (often personal) data between organizations, but this meets unwillingness from data subjects and data controllers alike. Hence, techniques that protect personal information for data access, processing, and analysis are needed.
