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Discover the SerIoT innovations

SerIoT project have launched a dedicated section on innovation at the SerIoT website. This section is providing an overview of SerIoT results and highlights. The section includes an extensive collection of presentations explaining the innovative aspects of SerIoT components and developments You can find more at: https://seriot-project.eu/seriot-innovations/

SerIoT on IoTday 2021

On #IoTDay, 9 April 2021, prof Gelenbe, coordinator of SerIoT project,  participated in  a roundtable discussion on the latest developments with the #H2020 projects EU-IoT, IoTAC_H2020, SecureIoT Project, H2020 SERIOT. 

A successful story: the CS-AWARE spin-out has been here!

The final review of the CS-AWARE project took place on 25 November 2020 and was a success.

The independent reviewers mention in their Final Consolidated Review Report (Section 2: Significant results linked to dissemination, exploitation and impact potential) that our ‘[p]roject has delivered exceptional results with significant immediate or potential impact’. 


CONCORDIA WOMEN’s AWARDS are established to celebrate women in cybersecurity. The awards aim to recognize outstanding women working in cybersecurity and privacy.

KYPO Cyber Range Platform 101 – webinar

Wednesday, 21 of April

13:00 – 15:00 CET (Prague time)

This webinar covers the essentials of the KYPO Cyber Range Platform (KYPO CRP) which we released as an open-source software last year. In two talks we explain how to deploy the platform and how to create simple cybersecurity training.


GUARD: GUArantee Reliability and trust for Digital service chains

"The GUARD concept goes beyond traditional security paradigms, still largely based on protecting a single infrastructure, by targeting trust and security mechanisms for end-to-end digital services and business chains". - Matteo Repetto - Guard's technical coordinator

Cyberwatching.eu launched the Project Clustering page, aiming to showcase the joint collaboration around topics of common interest, giving new projects the option to join existing clusters or propose a new cluster around a specific sector or technology related to cybersecurity.

Threats, Gaps and Challenges in the Era of COVID-19


COVID-19 has changed the way the world operates, the way we communicate, the mode of doing business and the functioning of governments resulting in an increased reliance over digital technologies and remote working[1]. One effect of this massive digital adoption was an increase in cyberattacks, which demonstrates the urgency and the need of a secure and reliable cyberspace. We, as member of the CONCORDIA project, have analyzed how COVID-19 is impacting the current cyberdomains studied in the project, from device/IoT to user, via network, system, data, and application domains.

SAFECARE: Creating an integrated cyber-physical security system for healthcare infrastructure

Over the course of 36 months, SAFECARE will design, test validate and demonstrate 13 innovative elements, optimising the protection of critical infrastructure under operational conditions.

Secure Real-time environmental data and garbage counting system – promoting environmental awareness in an urban context

M-Sec was launched in 2018. In its last year, the project is currently implementing pilots to test, validate and showcase the impact of the M-Sec solution. Learn more about M-Sec’s Use Case 3: “Secure and trustworthy mobile sensing platform”, to better understand how this Use Case is being implemented in the Japanese city of Fujisawa, its main achievements and challenges, and how the M-Sec solution has been a decisive factor in the improvement of people’s lives in that context.



On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.