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Assessing research outputs within the cybersecurity and privacy landscape, Krakow, 8th October 2018


Cyberwatching.eu organized its first Annual Workshop at Cybersec Forum 2018 in Krakow, Poland.

The Annual Workshop was organized in three sessions :

  • 11:40 - 13:10, S3 Auditorium: International cooperation and alignment on cybersecurity and privacy issues - find out more
  • 15:20 - 15:40, Innovation Hyde Park: The European watch on cybersecurity and privacy
  • 15:45 - 17:15, S3 Auditorium: Assessing research outputs within the cybersecurity and privacy landscape - see below.

Assessing research outputs within the cybersecurity and privacy landscape

Cybersecurity is a catch all description that is used in many spaces to describe a wide variety of different R&I activities. The scale of activities in the cybersecurity space is growing. The EC has allocated €600m to projects within this area, whilst the UK government on their own have supported activities worth £2bn. With so many projects funded at a national and EU-level, how can policy overlaps and duplication of effort be avoided and how can more synergies be created?

This workshop will show how the Cyberwatching.eu project is using a two-tier taxonomy of cybersecurity and privacy topics in order to support projects to classify and group themselves into meaningful clusters. Our results will also enable policy makers and funding bodies to understand the distribution of projects across the overall landscape and identify imbalances in future calls.

By applying a Market and Technology Readiness Level framework, we also support projects in maturing their innovative ideas advising on how to develop a business case starting with the end user problem being addressed, advice on packaging the ‘big idea’ and enabling the cross pollination of ideas for business models between projects as a source of valuable feedback.

On this session, participants were able to:

  • find out about just which priorities Europe needs to address and where the innovative research is already taking place.
  • rank their own project and also find new synergies from across Europe
  • pick up vital market and technology tips to ensure their innovation pitches itself perfectly to the market.

AGENDA - S3 Auditorium

15:45 - 15:50 Introduction 

David  Wallom,  Associate Professor and Associate Director – Innovation of the Oxford e-Research Centre

15:50 - 16:10 Cybersecurity  Taxonomy  &  Technology  Radar

David  Wallom,  Associate Professor and Associate Director – Innovation of the Oxford e-Research Centre

16:10 - 16:30

Understanding  project  output  readiness

Michel  Drescher, Cloud Computing Standards Specialist of Oxford e-Research Centre at the University of Oxford

16:30 - 17:15

Panel  discussion  on  approaches  to  readiness  for  projects  moving  from  proof  of  concept  to  realization

Chair: Raul Amarelle Valera, Project manager, AEI Ciberseguridad

Aitor Couce, ICMAT & CYBECO

John Davies, Co-founder and Chair of the South Wales Cyber Security Cluster

Niccolo' Zazzeri, Trust-IT Services & WISER & CYBERWISER.eu

Jose Francisco Ruiz, ATOS, SMESEC & CIPSEC





David Wallom
David Wallom

David Wallom
David Wallom is Associate Professor and Associate Director – Innovation of the Oxford e-Research Centre
where he leads two research groups Energy and Environmental ICT and Advanced e-infrastructures, the later of which includes his work on Cybersecurity and Cloud computing. He has led over 45 research projects through these two groups in the last 12 years including cybersecurity & privacy implementation projects with applications to cloud computing and energy systems. He sits on the management committee of the University Cybersecurity
Network, represents the University on the Oxfordshire Smart Cities board and UK Academia on the board of the Institute for Environmental Analytics. He chairs the Scientific advisory board for the Nordfirsk Nordic e-Science Globalisation Initiative centres of excellence and is Editor in Chief of the prizewinning SoftwareX journal which aiming to bring research software to become a first class output from all R&I activities. He has been Vice President
of the OGF a distributed computing standard development organisation.


Michel Drescher
Michel Drescher

Michel Drescher
Michel Drescher currently holds two positions as Founder and Director of  Cloud Consult Ltd., and as Cloud Computing Standards Specialist of Oxford e-Research Centre at the University of Oxford.
Working for the University Oxford, he drives the standardisation of Cloud Computing services in Europe and world-wide, working with the European Commission, OASIS, IEEE, ETSI, OGF, SNIA and other organisations in this field; while managing Cloud Consult Ltd. Michel provides software engineering consultancy and support for Cloud service providers, supports Cloud service consumers in selecting appropriate Cloud services, and spearheads research and innovation consortium building within Europe.
In his previous position, he was with the Stichting European Grid Initiative, leading and overseeing the development and evolution of software components deployed across a sustainable Production Grid in Europe. Prior to that, he had several positions in the ICT industry at Zühlke Engineering AG, Open Grid Forum, Fujitsu Laboratories of Europe, Ltd., Nokia Networks and Pallas GmbH.
He holds a diploma of Universität Bielefeld in Computer Science & Biology.


Raul Amarelle Valera
Raul Amarelle Valera

Raul Amarelle Valera
Bachelor Degree in Industrial Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) since 2001 and Expert Program in Data Science in 2018.
Since June 2018 he is part of the AEI Ciberseguridad team, as a project manager and, in particular, in the management and monitoring of the Ciberwatching.eu project.
The AEI Ciberseguridad is an association that brings together companies, research centers and other organizations interested in the promotion of the Cybersecurity sector and other advanced technologies such as Big Data, Blockchain, IoT, Smart Cities, etc.
He has about 18 years of professional experience, including an international experience in Germany during four years in the aeronautic sector. He also worked for the Spanish automobile manufacturer SEAT (VW group). During the last 10 years he has been involved in different positions related to the ICT sector.

Aitor Couce Vieira
Aitor Couce Vieira

Aitor Couce Vieira
Aitor Couce Vieira (1986) is a research assistant at ICMAT working in the H2020 project CYBECO (Supporting Cyberinsurance from a Behavioural Choice Perspective), a two-year project started in 2017 and participated by seven European research and business organisations. The scientific director of the project is David Rios, holder of the Axa Chair at ICMAT. The goal of the project is analysing cybersecurity risks to advise business and institutions in the selection of security countermeasures and cyber insurance.
As a member of the ICMAT team in CYBECO, Aitor is participating in the development of mathematical models for security economics and decision support, cyber insurance mechanisms, risk analysis and adversarial risk analysis. He is also involved in the elaboration of project deliverables and reports, dissemination activities, some support to the coordination of the project and the collaboration and revision of other partner’s contributions.
He is a PhD student at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, working on a decision support model for analysing the risk of cybersecurity incidents. He is BSc in Economics (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2008) and MSc in Decision Engineering (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 2012). He has worked as cybersecurity analyst (2013-17) at Secure-NOK, Norway, doing risk analysis, research and innovation activities and supporting the development and marketing of cybersecurity software. All of these was done for commercial and R&D projects in Europe and USA. He also worked as an administrative officer at Flue, Spain (2009-10).

John Davies
John Davies

John Davies
John Davies is the Managing Director of Pervade Software, an award-winning independent software vendor with strong roots in the capital of Wales.  John is a Welsh speaker and is also the Co-founder and Chair of the South Wales Cyber Security Cluster, the largest cluster of its kind in the UK, pro-actively supporting the UK National Cyber Security Strategy to make the UK the safest place to do business in cyberspace.  John is a member of the Executive Committee of Airbus Group Endeavr Wales, a joint venture between Airbus, Welsh Government and Universities in the role of Small Business Champion and is committed to helping to close the skills gap in cyber security by participating on the Curriculum Advisory Boards of both the University of South Wales and Cardiff University and regularly runs sessions for the National Cyber Security Academy. He is a certified GDPR Practitioner has recently been invited onto the Steering Committee of the GDPR Alliance committed to ensuring that businesses are aware of and compliant with the new EU data protection laws. Leveraging his military background, John plays an active role in helping military personnel and their families as the Chairman of the Regional Employer Engagement Group for the Armed Forces in Wales as well as raising money for armed forces charities through his passion for cycling.


Nicholas Ferguson
Nicholas Ferguson

Nicholas Ferguson
Nicholas Ferguson (male), Digital Communications Strategist & Senior Project Manager at Trust-IT Services. Nicholas is the coordinator of cyberwatching.eu, the European observatory of research and innovation in the field of cybersecurity and privacy. The project serves primarily as the glue to bring together all projects and national initiatives to observe better what counterparts are doing. He also manages the EC’s Common Dissemination Booster which encourages collaboration and clustering between over 250 EC-funded R&I projects in all areas of research. Nicholas has also played an instrumental role in the evolution of the yearly concertation meetings for the European Commission for cloud computing and software services and now for cybersecurity and privacy.




Niccolò Zazzeri
Niccolò Zazzeri

Niccolò Zazzeri
Mr. Niccolò Zazzeri is a Communication & web Marketing Specialist. Niccolò graduated in Digital Humanities at Pisa University with experience in both digitised and born-digital materials combining methodologies from traditional humanities disciplines and social sciences with tools provided by ICT computing and digital publishing.
Niccolò is the communication and outreach manager for cyberwatching.eu The European watch on cybersecurity and privacy. cyberwatching.eu will monitor R&I initiatives throughout EU & Associated Countries while supporting European stakeholders in playing an active role in shaping the global cybersecurity & privacy landscape.
Before its involvemente in cyberwatching.eu Niccolò worked on other EC funded projects (e.g WISER & Clarus) dealing with cyber security awareness raising, national strategy monitoring, and the rollout of new service packages for SMEs and vertical markets. He also contributed to communications on cloud security and data protection.


Jose Francisco Ruiz
Jose Francisco Ruiz

Jose Francisco Ruiz
Mr. Jose Francisco Ruiz is a senior cybersecurity expert and technical project manager at Atos. He obtained his bachelor degree and Master Thesis degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Malaga in 2008 and 2012 respectively and is currently finishing his PhD focused on cybersecurity engineering. He has been working in European research projects from more than twelve years in different organizations across Europe. He has lead cybersecurity research activities and worked as technical project coordinator in many different projects. Lately, he has been technical project coordinator of the H2020 VisiOn project (security and privacy for public administrations) and is project coordinator of the H2020 project SMESEC (cybersecurity for SMEs). His interests include cybersecurity engineering, key and encryption management, and vulnerability and risk assessment. He has also several publications in national and international conferences and journals and has served in organization committees and as reviewer in different conferences and workshops.



On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.

Future Events

NERO Cybersecurity invites you to join its first webinar entitled "Empowering SMEs: Cybersecurity Strategies for a Secure Digital Future," on 3 July 2024 from 15:00-16:30 CEST.
