The IoT is coming upon us faster than we think. With its arrival EU industry, homes and society will be catapulted into the huge arena of security risks that accompany an untested yet already universal technology that directly manages our cyber-physical reality on a daily, and indeed second by second, basis. Attacks on the content and quality of service of the internet of things (IoT) platforms can have economic, energetic and physical security consequences that go way beyond the traditional Internet’s lack of security, and way beyond the threats posed by attacks to mobile telephony. Yet, these threats to the IoT ,are also a great opportunity for those who will know how to harness security science and technology in order to counter the threats in a cost effective manner and market products that can support the development of a thriving business that assures the safety and security of the IoT. .
SerIoT (Secure and safe Internet of Things) will optimize the information security in IoT platforms and networks in a holistic, cross-layered manner (i.e. IoT platforms & devices, honeypots, SDN routers and operator’s controller) in order to offer a secure SerIoT platform that can be used to implement secure IoT platforms and networks anywhere and everywhere. Bringing together star European technology companies such as DT/T-Sys and ATOS together with highly competent SMEs such as HIS, HOPU, GRUVENTA, HIT and ATECH and world-leading European research organisations such as CERTH, JRC, TUB, ICCS, IITIS-PAN and TECNALIA and universities like UESSEX and TUB with savvy users such as OASA, Austria Tech and DT/T-Sys. The SerIoT project will develop, implement and test a generic IoT framework based on a specific adaptation of the concept of smart Software Defined Networks, augmented with secure routers, advanced analytics and user friendly visual analytics. The SerIoT project will create a unique and portable software-based SerIoT network that can spearhead Europe’s success in the Internet of Things.
Read more details about the SerIoT project and learn their goals in developing a secure and safe IoT environment.
Visit their official website and social media accounts:
On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.
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