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InfraStress workshop: Enhancing future Resilience, Security and Risk management of EU Critical Infrastructure: the InfraStress approach


MORNING targeted at Public Authorities/Experts

Considering all the current and future efforts of the EU in the areas of security, safety, risk, resilience and critical infrastructure, especially the new EU Directive on the resilience of critical entities, the morning session will present the perspectives of key stakeholders in the area of resilience of critical infrastructure/entities.

9:30-10:10: Introduction 

Lorenzo Sutton, InfraStress Coordinator

10:10-11:40 Invited Keynote lectures – Positions of key stakeholders in the area of resilience of critical infrastructure/entities

1. Max Brandt, Policy Officer, EU Commission DG Migration and Home Affairs (D2 Counter-Terrorism)

« A future-proof EU framework for the resilience of critical entities » 

2. Tomaso Vairo, Researcher at Genoa University (Italy) and Industrial Risk Analyst with the Regional Environmental Protection Agency (ARPAL)

« From risk to resilience. A novel approach to safety in major accident plants »

3. Giovanni Sansavini, Prof., Director of Risk Center Reliability and Risk Engineering (ETH Switzerland)

« Engineering Resilience of Critical Infrastructure Systems »

4. Monica Cardarilli, Risk Engineer & Project Officer, EU Commission Joint Research Centre

« Critical Infrastructure Protection: Emerging challenges and future perspectives »

11:40-12:30 Q&A – Round table and open discussions

Chair: Dr. Aleksandar Jovanović, CEO of the European Risk and Resilience Institute and Scientific Coordinator of InfraStress


AFTERNOON targeted at Industries

This session is an opportunity to showcase some InfraStress solutions after the onsite tests, and to reflect on the benefits of new technologies for Critical Entities (CE) protection.

2:00-2:40: Introductions and general Presentation of InfraStress

Lorenzo, InfraStress Coordinator

2:40-3:40: demonstrations

Laser based physical threats detection systems, by Dr Frucht Systems Ltd (DFSL)

Computer vision components for video surveillance and behavior analysis, by the Center for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH)

Machine-learning based Cyber Attack Detection, by the University of Science and Technology Bydgoszczy (UTP)

A web-based application to carry out quantitative Risk Assessment of Critical Infrastructure in industrial domain, by STAM

3:40-3:50 Coffee Break

3:50-4:50: demonstrations

An integrated web-based Situational Picture for protecting Critical Infrastructures, by Engineering - Ingegneria Informatica SPA (ENG)

Earthquake rapid damage assessment approach triggered by an early warning system, by Satways (STWS)

Automation of Threat Simulation in IT/OT environments using Hybrid Next Generation Cyber Ranges, by Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l’Informatica (CINI) and G & N Silensec Ltd (SIL)

Integrated and interactive analysis of critical infrastructure resilience, by the European Risk & Resilience Institute (EU-VRi)

Total Risk Assessment and Management: how to integrate safety and security aspects?, by RINA

4:50-5:30 Q&A – Round table and open discussions

Topic : What could new technologies bring to CI protection

Recommendation :

To prepare or follow up on the event presentations with the speakers, we suggest that you join our Collective Intelligence Platform : https://www.infrastress.eu/join-us