Practices that require significant involvement of human effort should be improved using techniques and mechanisms coming from the artificial intelligence domain, automating various decision-making processes. The goal is to promote decision-making based both on human and technological agents’ intelligence. Generally, a DSS exploits the technological agents’ intelligence combined with the human perception to make a final decision. The SPHINX toolkit needs to merge isolated data into higher-level knowledge of network-wide attack vulnerability and mission readiness in the face of cyber threats to go beyond rudimentary assessments of security posture and attack response.
This document, which is the first version of a set of two deliverables, entails information on both the SPHINX Decision Support System (DSS) and Analytic Engine (AE), in order to provide an overview of the decision-making in SPHINX.
The Deliverable is publicly available at SPHINX dedicated community in Zenodo repository: https://zenodo.org/record/4280567#.X7rTyc0zZPY
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