SPHINX brings a Universal Cyber Security Toolkit for the Health and Care Domain that enhances the cyber protection of the healthcare IT ecosystem and ensures the patients’ data privacy and integrity. The SPHINX toolkit offers an embedded, smart and robust security awareness layer, able to identify modern and advanced cyber threats, enhanced with a personalised data security management tool.
The SPHINX architecture has the capability to concentrate and handle the data of many devices or services, thus covering a wide range of use case scenarios. The SPHINX users are kept informed at any time via highly comprehensive dashboards and visual analytics.
SPHINX project applies human-centred design along with a threefold strategy that consists of an implementation of extensively automated security, exploitation of security-friendly behavioural patterns of the users to turn the human factor to the advantage of security), and facilitation of the recovery process after a security and/or data protection breach”, the SPHINX Consortium.
SPHINX offers a Cybersecurity Vulnerability Assessment and Certification Toolkit targeted to healthcare providers (e.g., hospitals, care centres), manufacturers (e.g., medical devices and devices carrying personal health data), supporting service providers (including IT developers), and consumers (e.g., patients). Through the Interactive Dashboards, users can visually observe and compose their own processes directly on the user interface, enabling intuitive customisation and better granularity and effectiveness of the analysis. The Toolkit features Actionable Alerts to warn users and explain the purpose and the outcomes of their response. The provided Assessment Checklist allows the evaluation of the readiness and the exposures to vulnerabilities that were available in the past, increasing awareness of cybersecurity issues. The users of SPHINX Toolkit are able to understand, monitor and control relevant cyber risks, known or unknown threats and incidents at multiple layers. In parallel, they can define and implement personalised data privacy policies, as well as easily distinguish between work and home-related IT equipment/ devices, software and/or content.
Funded by the Horizon 2020 framework programme, SPHINX is fully aligned with the EU’s Cybersecurity Strategy priorities, that is, achieving cyber resilience, reducing cybercrime, developing cyber-defence policy and capabilities, developing industrial and technological capabilities, establishing a cyberspace policy and core EU values.
The project’s impact can feed into new research and innovation actions with the support of Horizon Europe, especially within the “Civil Security for Society” cluster. In addition, SPHINX can set an example for the upcoming Digital Europe Programme, in which research will be funded for cybersecurity capacity and the wide deployment of cybersecurity infrastructures and tools across the EU for public administrations, businesses and individuals.
Learn more about SPHINX’s innovative solutions.
Cyberwatching.eu has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 740129. The content of this website does not represent the opinion of the European Commission, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that might be made of such content. Privacy Policy | Disclaimer / Terms and Conditions of Use