This year we will open again the C3 by CONCORDIA Certification exams and run the preparatory course. And we will, again, offer this for free! But we have a limited number of places available.
The Course “Becoming a Cybersecurity Consultant” (support in preparing for taking the C3 by CONCORDIA Certification exam) has the following structure:
The C3 by CONCORDIA Certification could be briefly described as follows:
To be accepted to sit the exam, the candidate would need to fulfill the following prerequisites:
The certificate will be issued via the EduCTX blockchain based platform after the candidate successfully passed both exams and signed the Declaration of Honor. More details on the Certification scheme can be found on the dedicated page.
The Certification is addressed mainly to European cybersecurity professionals, cybersecurity middle managers and freelancers looking into having specific knowledge and skills validated via a certificate. For an overview of the knowledge and skills we consider a Cybersecurity Consultant should have, I invite you to check the specific page [link].
The candidates to enter the C3 by CONCORDIA Certification are strongly encouraged to follow first the dedicated course “Becoming a Cybersecurity Consultant” whose first edition is presented here. To take full advantage of the content covered and be able to solve the short quizzes included in the course, the participants should have basic knowledge of data structures and algorithmic principles, regular expressions, database principles, shell scripting, networking principles, tools and architectures, operating systems basics, security controls, mechanisms and practice and risk management theories and methods.
The next dates and the process to follow are presented in the timeline below.
It’s been quite a venture to setup and pilot the Cybersecurity Consultant Certification scheme and the associated Course but here we are.
The participation to the next Course and Certification are still free but we have a limited number of places. So, hurry up!
Register to the next Certification exam [link]
Register to the next preparatory Course [link]
(By Felicia Cutas (EIT Digital))
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