It’s been more than two years since we have launched the CONCORDIA map displaying short courses and trainings for cybersecurity professionals.
The map is complementing the ENISA database of university related programs, and aims at showcasing in a structured way relevant content from all over Europe, thus contributing to building a European Education Ecosystem for Cybersecurity.
We are now coming back to you with great news. The CONCORDIA courses map was revamped and includes new features for the benefit of both the end users such as corporates, SME/startups, specialized organizations, individuals, and the course providers.
The CONCORDIA courses map 2.0 is officially launched on September 15, 2021 and replaces the first version while keeping the same LINK. We hope that you will find this version of the map more practical, and we will welcome any feedback on it at contact@concordia-h2020.eu.
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