Alicia Cuadrado
Nuria Rodríguez Domínguez
01 January 2018
01 January 2021
FENTEC is a Research and Innovation Action whose mission is to make the functional encryption paradigm ready for a widerange of applications, integrating it in ICT technologies as naturally as classical encryption. The primary objective is the efficient and application-oriented development of functional encryption systems. with an adequate challenge of expressiveness-expressiveness-expressiveness-compensation.
FENTEC’s team of cryptographers, software and hardware experts and information technology industry partners will document functional encryption needs of specific applications and subsequently design, develop, implement and demonstrate the applied use of functional cryptography.
Objectives of the project:
Project’s mission is to develop new Functional Encryption (FE) as an efficient alternative to the all-or-nothing approach of traditional encryption.
Use Cases:
FENTEC Project takes advantage of opportunities to collaborate closely with other Cybersecurity PPP Actions and exchange experiences on, for example, technical foundations to enhance security of complex systems and to balance functionality, security and efficiency, or to increase trustworthiness (less need for explicit trust).
Atos, Ecole Normale Superieure, Flensburg University of Applied Sciences (FUAS), KU Leuven, University of Helsinki (UH), XLAB, The University of Edinburgh (UEDIN) and National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS).
FENTEC Project of the Week 30 March - 3 April 2020
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Motion Detection and Local Decision Making
In complex IOT systems, nowadays it is often the case that we might have requirements that require end-to-end encryption between an edge device and a backend system.
Privacy-Preserving Statistical Analysis
This FENTEC use case addresses the privacy-preserving computation of data analytics, focusing on the computation of statistics over large usage data.
Privacy-preserving and auditable Digital Currency
This FENTEC use-case provides a digital-based currency as a one-to-one counterpart to physical money or issued by debit and credit cards.
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