Much effort of EU funded projects goes into developing the technological aspects of products and project outputs. However, a corresponding amount of support activity is vital to bring those outputs to market providing an organic sustainability plan and an exploitation strategy.
Within the context of sustainability and exploitation, ‘Market Readiness’ is defined as the process by which a consortium ensures that their project outputs are ready to go to the market.
Research and innovation projects are usually set up to find a solution for a need. Early-stage exploitation planning should be a vital part of a project’s activities. To identify the timing for such a decision, a market-based mechanism is relevant.
Market-based mechanisms offer advantages to other regulatory approaches providing decision-makers with a holistic view of a project’s maturity in a simple way - with a single score. It offers decision-makers a faster way to assess, measure and support technology projects.
This webinar gives key advice to improve your project market readiness by sharing tips and best practices from three H2020 projects that are an example of advanced market preparation: PROTECTIVE, GHOST and SMESEC.
Registration: The webinar is free of charge.
The webinar is open to all active CS&P projects that want to improve their marketing capabilities.
Learn key factors for market-oriented exploitation
Find out what profiles you need in your project team
Learn the role of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) management
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Draft Agenda:
11:00 -11:05 - "Introduction and Cyberwatching.eu MRL activities" - Marina Ramírez, AEI Ciberseguridad, Cyberwatching.eu
11:05 - 11:15 - "Explosive exploitation - explained"- Marcin Przybyszewski, Exploitation/Dissemination manager, ITTI, PROTECTIVE.
11:15 - 11:25 - "GHOST - Making your smart home safer" - Javier Augusto Gonzalez. Televés, GHOST
11:25 - 11:30 - Q&A
11:30 - 11:40 – "Cybersecurity for small and medium enterprises" - Alberto Miranda García, ATOS, SMESEC
11:40 - 11:50 - "From R&D results to the market" - Esther Casado, Spanish NCP for the EIC Accelerator
11:50 - 11:55 - Q&A
11:55 - 12:00 - Closing Remarks
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