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Warning: Use of undefined constant REQUEST_URI - assumed 'REQUEST_URI' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in eval() (line 2 of /var/www/html/web/modules/php/php.module(80) : eval()'d code).


PRISMACLOUD Tools: A cryptographic toolbox for increasing security in cloud services. reusable toolbox encapsulating cryptographic functionality from which dependably secure cloud services can be assembled. In order to provide a tangible abstraction of the complexity involved with the construction
of cryptographically secured cloud services, we introduce the fourlayer PRISMACLOUD architecture. Top down, it consists of a use cases (application) layer, a services layer, a tools layer, and a
cryptographic primitives and protocols layer. In this paper we provide a detailed description of the PRISMACLOUD tools in terms of functional components, as well as how they interact to provide the desired security functionality.

(Note: PRISMACLOUD is part of TRUSTEE (daTa pRivacy and cloUd SecuriTy clustEr Europe), a network of 11 research projects funded by the European Union which are all performing cutting-edge research and innovation in different domains of cloud security and privacy, ranging from secure and privacy-friendly authentication over encrypted and distributed solutions for data sharing and cloud storage to data integrity, authenticity, and availability.)