Leonardo Marino
01 February 2015
31 July 2018
The EU Horizon 2020 PRISMACLOUD - PRIvacy and Security MAintaining services in the CLOUD - research project is dedicated to enabling secure and trustworthy cloud-based services by improving and adopting novel tools from cryptographic research.
The project brings novel cryptographic concepts and methods to practical application to improve the security and privacy of cloud based services and make them usable for providers and users. The main idea and ambition of PRISMACLOUD is to enable end-to-end security for cloud users and provide tools to protect their privacy with the best technical means possible - by cryptography.
Who is the project designed for?
The vertical markets we are targeting with our solutions are smart cities, e-government and e-health domain, all typically dealing with sensitive data about end-users and citizens. However, this is only for demonstration purposes and our solutions are relevant beyond these scenarios and be used to protect critical assets in many other cloudified scenarios.
For the Smart City domain, a more privacy friendly and cloudified version of the ICT implementation of the European Disable Badge for public parking areas was achieved. Additionally, more secure mechanisms for cloud based data storage and sharing of different video data generated by the CCTV cameras in public spaces was developed.
Thanks to PRISMACLOUD services, e-Government providers will now take advantage of a secured, distributed storage system allowing them to use resources more efficiently and periodically check backup integrity/reliability. Additionally, public bodies will receive certified evidence that their virtual infrastructure is isolated from the ones of other customers.
The e-Health services developed in PRISMACLOUD aim to support secure and privacy friendly interaction between patients and healthcare providers or between different hospital services and the clinicians. The project results have already been integrated into FCSR’s Trusted Healthcare Platform (THP) to add several privacy and security features.
How is your project benefitting the end-user?
In PRISMACLOUD we developed a toolbox to build more secure and privacy friendly cloud services. We also developed a portfolio of 8 services which demonstrate the advancements and can be use by service providers or system and application developers to enrich their solutions. However, given all these results which are affecting the business domain, PRISMACLOUD will directly impact end-users if the solutions which integrate the services are rolled out.
In the smart city domain, it will better protect the privacy of users in systems managing parking lots for disabled people or better protect the privacy of citizens which are on digital evidences collected by law enforcement agencies. Furthermore, users maintaining their personal health records in the cloud will be enables to selectively share the data in a secure and trustworthy way and data collected in medical studies will be anonymized accordingly, also on large scale.
Please briefly describe the results your project achieved so far
PRISMACLOUD provides solutions for more secure and privacy friendly cloud usage on several levels or layers, which accompany the development of the demo applications for the case study.
We provide solutions on methodological level, i.e., holistic security models for developed services and applications as well as a new development methodology (CryptSDL) which extends classical approaches to assist in the complexity of secure cryptographic service design.
We developed a portfolio of 8 specific ready to use cloud services with increased security and privacy. Some examples are a Selective Authentic Exchange service based on redactable signatures (SAEaaS), a Verifiable Statistics service for authentic data aggregation (VSaaS) and Big Data Anonymization service for large sets of data (BDAaaS).
Additionally, in line with the main goal of PRISMACLOUD to advance the state-of-the-art in cryptographic methods for cloud computing we also achieved significant research results. Some of the most promising solutions have also been implemented in software and build the basis for our services. The cryptographic functionality has been encapsulated in the so called PRISMACLOUD toolbox which is the core results the other rely there security on by design.
What are the next steps for your project?
The next steps are to commercialize the services and tools developed within PRISMACLOUD with our partners and to explore applications of our results that go beyond the use-cases within PRISMACLOUD. Moreover, we are actively involved in standardization efforts to standardize results obtained within the project.
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This tool provides the means for processing data in different ways, supporting different purposes with different privacy requirements. It includes several components providing the capabilities to encrypt data while preserving the format or ordering of the data.
"PRISMACLOUD Tools: A cryptographic toolbox for increasing security in cloud services. reusable toolbox encapsulating cryptographic functionality from which dependably secure cloud services can be assembled.
PRISMACLOUD Tools: A cryptographic toolbox for increasing security in cloud services. reusable toolbox encapsulating cryptographic functionality from which dependably secure cloud services can be assembled.
Group Signature Library (GSSLib) is a Java library (GSS library) and part of the PRISMACLOUD FLEXAUTH cryptographic tool that supports group signature schemes, a variant of signature schemes which help to enhance the privacy of the signers.
Malleable Signature Library (MSSLib) is a Java library (MSS library) and part of the PRISMACLOUD FLEXAUT cryptographic tool that supports various types of malleable signature schemes for controlled modification of signed data and verifiable computations.
The topology certification tool supports the application of graph signatures to certify and prove properties of topologies. The tool is realized as an interactive protocol framework between the roles of an issuer, a prover and a verifier.
This tool supports the delegation of processing authenticated data in a way that the result can be efficiently verified for correctness. It comprises three different components, being a data originator component, a data processing component, and a verification component.
This tool supports the authentication of arbitrary messages (or documents) by means of digital signatures with selective disclosure features. This tool has three different components, being an authentication component, a selective disclosure component, and a verification component.
Archistar Storage Framework and Services (Archistar) is a new type of privacy preserving identity management service (IDMaaS) which is a service that is based on the PRISMACLOUD FLEXAUT cryptographic tool.
PRISMACLOUD Tools: A cryptographic toolbox for increasing security in cloud services. reusable toolbox encapsulating cryptographic functionality from which dependably secure cloud services can be assembled.
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