Ruben Radwan Tognetti
01 May 2015
31 October 2017
TYPES (Towards transparency and privacy in the online advertising business) plans to demonstrate solutions that protect individuals’ privacy while empowering the users to control how their data is used by service providers for advertising purposes. At the same time, TYPES will make it easier to verify whether users’ online rights are respected and if personal data is exchanged for a reasonable value-added to users.
Online advertising generated in 2013 $42B worth of revenue and more than 3.4 million direct and indirect jobs in Europe in 2012 alone. It supports some of the most important Internet services such as search, social media and user generated content sites. However, the lack of transparency regarding tracking techniques and the type of information companies collect about users is creating increasing concerns in society. Software tools for implementing total mitigation (e.g., ad blocker or cookies blocker) have been released to block any transfer of information from end users towards the online advertising ecosystem. A massive adoption of these tools by end users may cause disruptions in the digital economy by affecting the online advertising sector and leading to consequences such as losing of a large number of employments.
TYPES aims to cope with this challenge by defining, implementing, and validating in pre-market status a holistic framework of technologies and tools that guarantees both transparency and privacy preservation, gives the end user control upon the amount of information he/she is willing to share, and defines privacy-by-design solutions.
Who is the project designed for?
TYPES will demonstrate solutions that protect user’s privacy while empowering them to control how their data is used by service providers for advertising purposes. At the same time, TYPES will make it easier to verify whether users’ online rights are respected and if personal data is exchanged for a reasonable value-added to users.
In particular, TYPES tools should enable the end user:
How will your project benefit the end-user?
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The Data Valuation Portal informs users on how advertisers target users, the kinds of personal information available on the ad-market, and the financial value of it. For this purpose, the back-end crawlers collect bidding data from four major advertising platforms using a combination of targeting options provided by the platforms. Interested user can select one of the advertising platforms and choose a combination of demographic and behavioral data that describe a given online user, then the portal displays the monetary value of that profile and its evolution over time.
eyeWnder is an experimental browser addon for detecting Online Behavioural Advertising and shedding light to some of its underlying workings.
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