KER1 Dashboard & Platform
Functionality: Easing FISHY platform usability, making the whole system user-friendly and ready to be used for different users according to their expected profile and thus permitted functionalities.
Benefits: Enhanced customer experience: Easy access to the supply chain cybersecurity in a single window with meaningful and useful output
Differentiator: Frontend designed to support the specific needs inherent to the heterogeneous and diverse supply chain scenario also supporting the hybrid model FISHY is envisioned to support.
KER2 Vulnerability Forecast & Risk Estimation (TIM)
Functionality: Monitoring and gathering metrics from supply chain infrastructure, performing analysis, raising alerts, proposing mitigation actions
Benefits: Combination of multiple different tools (vuln. estimation, IDS, SIEM, ...) to provide as large of coverage of cybersecurity as possible.
Differentiator: Architecture designed for supply chains, instead of a single network.
KER3 Intent-based Resilience Orchestration (IRO)
Functionality: Automation of the interactions between the user defining high-level intents and the system applying high-level policies.
Benefits: The user does not need to know the intermediate technical steps to perform an intent.
Differentiator: Solution translating high-level intents into configured policies, and interacting with the system response using AI techniques.
KER4 Security Assurance and Certification Manager (SACM)
Functionality: Auditing and reasoning security metrics tailored to the pilots' infrastructure, and collecting certifiable evidence from the pilots' infrastructure.
Benefits: Ensure the truthfulness of the collected data and ease the management of evidence produced by monitoring and assistance with compliance to certification standards.
Differentiator: Component architecture tailored to supply chains needs focussing especially to regulatory obligations (e.g., GDPR) and violations/compliance of service level agreements
KER5 Security & Privacy Dataspace Infrastructure (SPI)
Functionality: Organizing data related to infrastructure events and enforcing privacy and Access Control rules, including Identity Management
Benefits: Secure data transfer between monitored infrastructure and FISHY platform, with data anonymization
Differentiator: An enhanced framework for system events' management, including metrics from different sources and promoting co-relation with added semantics
KER6 Enforcement & Dynamic Configuration (EDC)
Functionality: Translation of high-level policies into low-level configurations for a variety of NSFs (security controls)
Benefits: Adding a new NSF type requires only describing its capabilities using a very simple model
Differentiator: Framework leveraging a capability model instead of the traditional refinement techniques based on logic rules
KER7 Secure Infrastructure Abstraction (SIA)
Functionality: Model-based support for data aggregation and preprocessing: normalization, filtering, etc.
Benefits: Abstract interface allowing the execution of mitigation actions on different types of underlying infrastructure (IoT, IaaS, baremetal, etc)
Differentiator: Data source and consumer dynamic management based on metadata
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