Our partner, Matej Kovačič, PhD at Jožef Stefan Institute, is the author of the latest Blog Post of CyberSANE project "Web crawlers, data mining and extraction of knowledge from news articles and Dark Web".
This Blog Post focuses on specific aspects of the DarkNet component which make possible to preventively detect attacks and support security analysts to effectively protect Critical Information Infrastructures, mainly through:
- Advanced tools for search, extraction and analysis of news articles using semantic process technologies to perform different analysis and visualisations on information about cybersecurity incidents and cybersecurity-related reports on the internet
- Advanced tools for crawling Dark Web content and collect data about cybersecurity events (i.e. hacks, SQL injection, DDoS attacks, etc.), leaked data (i.e. pawned email accounts for breached personal data, job titles, names, phone numbers, physical addresses, social media profiles, etc.) and blacklisted email servers.
Read the complete Blog Post: https://www.cybersane-project.eu/crawlers-mining-extraction-dark-web/