The Blog Post "How does CyberSANE comply with the legal and ethical aspects for the protection of Critical Information Infrastructures (CIIs)?" was written by former CyberSANE Partner, Ilaria Buri from KU Leuven.
Its main focus is to describe the importance of the legal and regulatory frameworks such as data protection, privacy and security-related aspects which are applicable to systems such as CyberSANE. The relevant legal instruments and obligations are outlined in Deliverable D2.2 “Legal and Ethical Requirements”, which represents the basis for the legal and ethical implementation, oversight and evaluation to be carried out in the final phases of the project.
Read the full Blog Post and learn more about CyberSANE analysis for addressing GDPR, the Network and Information System (NIS) Directive, the Cybersecurity Act, among many other relevant regulations: https://www.cybersane-project.eu/standardisation-workshop-2021/
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