A clear understanding of Cybersecurity legal issues is esssential for anyone working in the area. Our Legal tips section updates you on all Legal news on Cybersecurity and privacy issues!
cyberwatching.eu raises awareness of the two major legislative tools that are having a major impact on the EU cybersecurity landscape: The GDPR (Regulation 679/2016 on the protection of personal data) which becomes effective on 28 May 2018; and the NIS Directive (Directive 2016/1148 concerning measures for a high common level of security of network and information systems across the Union) which will be transposed by Member States by the 9th of May 2018. These two legislative instruments are strictly intertwined with the NIS Directive refers to the applicable data protection law as to a necessary complementary set of rules.
In addition to our regularly updated news below, we'll also be publishing a series of recommendations documents, which will help organisations to understand the interplay of the two legal frameworks, in order to clarify their intricacies, to solve potential conflicts of interpretation and to effectively enable R&I projects focussed on privacy and cybersecurity to effectively participate to the policy making debate of the next two years, both at national and EU level, on these matters. The project will therefore focus on the following activities:
• Monitoring of the regulatory framework;
• Understanding the legal complexity of the regulatory framework;
• Drafting a list of policy issues to be solved at EU and/or national level;
• Supporting R&I teams and proactively proposing areas of research and policy solutions
Our legal experts from ICT Legal Consulting are here to guide you through the most common and important terms.
Source: ICT Legal Consulting
On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.
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