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First major conference: Cybersecurity For Europe 2019

Wednesday, 13 November, 2019 to Friday, 15 November, 2019

CyberSec4Europe is delighted to announce that its first major conference, Cybersecurity For Europe 2019, will take place at the Hôtel de Région in Toulouse from 13-15 November 2019.

ACM CCS 2019

11/11/2019 to 15/11/2019

The 26th ACM (Associaltion of Computing Machinery) Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) will be held in London, United Kingdom from November 11 to 15, 2019 at the Hilton Metropole.

Beyond Privacy: Learning Data Ethics - European Big Data Community Forum 2019

Thursday, 14 November, 2019

Big Data Analytics helps organizations, communities and individuals harness the value of growing amounts of data. According to recent forecasts, in 2025, the digital economy will multiply by 10 the volume of data now generated. While, on the one hand, this widespread use of data enables us to create more efficient and effective products and services, and fuel economic growth, on the other hand, this vast potential has created a new range of ethical challenges.


ISSE Conference 2019: Information Security Solutions Europe

06/11/2019 to 07/11/2019

The 21st Information Security Solutions Europe (ISSE) Conference will be held on 6-7 November 2019 in Brussels (BE) focusing on European Business Security and Society Challenges.

1st CYBERWISER.eu Open Pilots Workshop

Tuesday, 5 November, 2019

The workshop will showcase CYBERWISER.eu, an integrated online platform where organisations can train their staff in a simulated environment of cyber incidents and attacks, allowing both IT professionals and non-technical staff to hone and evolve their skills, continuously evaluating their performance as they prepare for future real attack episodes.


Wednesday, 30 October, 2019 to Friday, 1 November, 2019

SOFIE will be speaking, showing and socialising at Decentralized 2019. Europe’s premier conference on blockchain brings together the world’s leading business executives and academic experts to debate current trends and future developments of blockchain technologies.  

With over 1500 field experts from over 50 countries attending, Decentralized is a perfect place where to tell SOFIE’s story and highlight it’s potential. 

IoT Solutions World Congress

Tuesday, 29 October, 2019 to Thursday, 31 October, 2019

mF2C will be attending the IoT Solutions World Congress which will be held on 29-31 October 2019 in Barcelona, Spain.

Talent Gap Workshop


Informatics Europe in partnership with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT) will organise on October 30, 2019 the workshop: “Bridging the Digital Talent Gap - Towards Successful Industry-University Partnerships” to held in Rome, Italy.

The event will bring together higher education organisations, industry and public policy makers to reflect and act on the problem of the Digital Talent Gap in Europe.


29/10/2019 to 30/10/2019

The CYBERSEC2019 will be held on 29-30 October 2019 in Katowice, Poland. This is a public policy conference dedicated to strategic security aspects of the global technology revolution and a thriving inter-national community that combines the knowledge and experience of experts and professionals.


15/10/2019 to 25/10/2019

The CYBERSECURITY WEEK 2019 will be held on 15-25 October in Luxembourg.



On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.

Future Events

The webinar will showcase new insights into research projects (CS-AWARE-NEXT, DYNABIC, AI4CYBER) dealing with cybersecurity research and innovation for the protection of critical infrastructures. The projects research on the challenges of cybersecurity and cyber resilience solutions and how the adoption of latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies can aid in the effectiveness and automation of such solutions. Furthermore, challenges arise to ensure trustworthy AI is used in the solutions.
