The CYBERSECURITY WEEK 2019 will be held on 15-25 October in Luxembourg. The Cybersecurity Week Luxembourg aims to promote cybersecurity among citizens, corporate and SMEs. Unlike a forum, this label is used to aggregate and boost the various events that will take place in the Grand-Duchy in the frame of the European Cybersecurity Month (ECSM).
Organized by the SECURITYMADEIN.LU, the Cybersecurity Week features the Luxembourg Cybersecurity Ecosystem. Benefitting from the involvement of national key players the week initative grows each year.
It is important to note that the different events will take place in different locations and target specific audiences. In order to find the event that interests you and to register, do not hesitate to discover their detailed description the official event website.
On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.
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