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Protective Technology

WITDOM Identity Access Management

The WITDOM Identity and Access Management (IAM) component ensures that sensitive data in WITDOM is only accessible to individuals who are granted explicit entitlements to specific services, and has the ability to monitor / audit access to data and operations.

CREDENTIAL Cryptographic Components

All server-side and client-side components and apps needed for secure and privacy-friendly data sharing and identity management in the cloud. It is an open and flexible cloud identity wallet architecture to easily connect to other identity management systems

TREDISEC Security Primitives

"Piece of software that facilitates the Cloud Security technology providers to manage the entire lifecycle of the TREDISEC Primitives and Recipes. The framework also supports consumers of such technologies in locating and identifying them in a simple and effective manner, as well as in testing and deploying those in a specific cloud-based environment, in order to fulfil consumers’ own requirements. "

UNICORN CI Monitoring

A H2020 research and innovation project which facilitate the design and deployment of cloud applications and services and improve developers’ productivity by reducing cloud application design time via code annotations and blueprints for security.

SecureCloud Monitoring

SecureCloud is an ecosystem of cloud facilities characterized by superior security guarantees, providing protection from attacks by privileged users.

SecureCloud Secure Stream

SecureCloud is an ecosystem of cloud facilities characterized by superior security guarantees, providing protection from attacks by privileged users.

UNICORN Integrated Platform

A H2020 research and innovation project which facilitate the design and deployment of cloud applications and services and improve developers’ productivity by reducing cloud application design time via code annotations and blueprints for security.

ASAP - Autonomous System Adaptation Platform

Autonomous System Adaptation Platform (ASAP) is a service responsible for monitoring and, where necessary, interceding in the execution of applications deployed by DRIP. ASAP will collect a range of measurements based on a set of metrics determined by the requirements of the developer and the intrinsic monitorability of application and underlying infrastructure.

DRIP - Dynamic Real-Time Infrastructure Planner

Dynamic Real-time Infrastructure Planner (DRIP) is responsible for the planning, validation and provisioning of the virtual infrastructure enlisted to support an application specified in SIDE. DRIP has formulated an acceptable proposed infrastructure, which automatically negotiates with cloud providers in real-time to provision the infrastructure with respect to an agreed set of service level agreements (SLAs) that will satisfy (in principle) all quality of service requirements.

SIDE - SWITCH Interactive Development Environment

The SWITCH Interactive Development Environment (SIDE) is a subsystem of SWITCH, responsible for the specification of an application for deployment in a Cloud. SIDE is responsible for ensuring that a given application can be implemented in a cloud context in accordance with both the desires of the developers and the limitations of the cloud providers; it is also responsible for allowing an application to be monitored and controlled by the developer at runtime.



On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.