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DRIP - Dynamic Real-Time Infrastructure Planner

Dynamic Real-time Infrastructure Planner (DRIP) is responsible for the planning, validation and provisioning of the virtual infrastructure enlisted to support an application specified in SIDE. DRIP has formulated an acceptable proposed infrastructure, which automatically negotiates with cloud providers in real-time to provision the infrastructure with respect to an agreed set of service level agreements (SLAs) that will satisfy (in principle) all quality of service requirements.

(Note: SWITCH is part of TRUSTEE (daTa pRivacy and cloUd SecuriTy clustEr Europe), a network of 11 research projects funded by the European Union which are all performing cutting-edge research and innovation in different domains of cloud security and privacy, ranging from secure and privacy-friendly authentication over encrypted and distributed solutions for data sharing and cloud storage to data integrity, authenticity, and availability.)